Connectionists: Post-doctoral Fellow in Image/Video Content Analysis and Recognition at EPFL
Pascal Fua
pfua at
Fri Jan 5 14:45:46 EST 2007
The images and visual representation group ( )
and the computer vision laboratory ( ) have a
joint opening for a post-doctoral fellow in the field of image and video
content analysis and recognition. The position is initially offered for
18 months, with the possibility of renewal for an additional 18.
The addition of context information (technical metadata, other sensor
data, other text data, etc.) promises to greatly increase the potential
to better segment, analyze, and recognize media content, and even to
semantically annotate it. In the current and emerging wired environment,
low level feature image/video systems will become increasingly
intertwined with physical reality, will be based on resources shared
over the Internet and will be supporting social interactions. This will
impact the image/video analysis and recognition, requiring the ability
to deal with the inherent uncertainty in the varied context information.
The images and visual representation group and the computer vision
laboratory at EPFL offer a creative international environment, a
possibility to conduct highly competitive research on a global scale and
involvement in teaching. Within the project, there are opportunities to
cooperate with national and international research and industrial
partners. There is the possibility to gain valuable experience in the
emerging field of context aware imaging systems, in terms of new
theoretical models and algorithms and in prototype systems. In addition,
active participation in research projects and advising a small group of
highly motivated Ph.D. students is expected. Salaries are in the range
CHF 70000 to 80000 per year, the precise amount to be determined by
EPFL's department of human resources.
The candidate must hold a Ph.D. degree with top performance in a field
related to image/video content analysis and recognition. Strong
mathematics and programming skills (C or C++ and Matlab) are a plus.
S/he should have a track record in conducting original highly
competitive scientific research and publishing the results in top
conferences and scientific journals. Maturity, self-motivation, and the
ability to work both independently and as a team player in local and
international research teams are expected. French language skills are
not required, English is mandatory.
Applications can either be sent via email or letter:
Prof. Sabine Susstrunk
EPFL-IC-LCAV2, Batiment BC
Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne
E-mail: sabine.susstrunk at <mailto:sabine.susstrunk at>
They must contain a statement of interest, a CV, a list of publications,
and the names of three references.
Prof. P. Fua (Pascal.Fua at
Tel: 41/21-693-7519 FAX: 41/21-693-7520
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