Connectionists: CVR Conference 2007: Cortical Mechanisms of Vision

S. Becker becker at
Wed Feb 7 15:23:03 EST 2007

Dear Colleagues,
	This constitutes the first announcement
and call for posters for the York University
Centre for Vision Research Conference to be held
June 19-23, 2007. A list of speakers and titles
appears below. To view abstracts and access
registration and poster submission forms, please
visit our web site:


On behalf of the CVR, I hope you will be able to attend and participate.

  Sue Becker, Professor
  Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University
  Adjunct Member, Centre for Vision Research, York University


CVR Conference 2007: Cortical Mechanisms of Vision

Organizers: Hugh R. Wilson & Doug Crawford

Tuesday, June 19
Evening reception and registration

Wednesday, June 20
Morning: Cortical Mechanisms of Object Recognition (Wilkinson)
	Kari Hoffman (York): The ontology of "objects in the temporal lobe"
	Bruno Rossion (Université Catholique de
Louvain): Clarifying the functional neuro-
		anatomy of face processing by
combining lesion studies and neuroimaging
	Kalanit Grill-Spector (Stanford):
Fine-scale functional organization of the human
ventral			stream
	Galia Avedan (Ben Gurion University,
Israel): An integrative approach towards
			understanding the
psychological and neural basis of congenital
Afternoon: Cortical Mechanisms of Visual Attention (Tsotsos)
	Max Hopf (Magdeburg, Germany):
Neuromagnetic investigations of feature and space
			based attentional
selection in visual search
	John Maunsell (Baylor): Attention and the
Gain of Neuronal Responses in Monkey
	Visual Cortex
	Leonardo Chelazzi (Verona): One or
multiple forms of feature-based attention?
	Maurizio Corbetta (Washington University,
St. Louis): Functional significance of
	attentional control signals
Poster Sessions
Evening Free

Thursday, June 21
Morning: Cortical Mechanisms of Motion Processing (Wilson)
	J. Anthony Movshon (NYU): How cortical cells analyze visual motion
	David Bradley (U of Chicago): Pattern
Velocity Computation in the Primate Visual
	Charles Duffy (U of Rochester): Cortical Neuronal Mechanisms of Spatial
		Orientation and Self-Movement Perception
	Greg DeAngelis (Washington University,
St. Louis): Neural mechanisms of heading
		perception: integration of visual
and vestibular signals
Afternoon: Transformations for Visually Guided Reach (Sergio)
	Lauren Sergio (York): When what you see
isn't where you get: Cortical mechanisms of
		vision for complex action
	Alexandra Battaglia-Mayer (La Sapienza,
Rome): Motor functions of the parietal lobe
	Bijan Pessaran (NYU): A relative position
code in dorsal premotor cortex
	Steve Wise (NIH): Primate prefrontal
cortex and visual knowledge: Vision for
perception, action, attention, memory,
strategies, and previous or future goals
Poster Sessions
Evening Free

Friday, June 22
Morning: Cortical Mechanisms for Eye Movements (Crawford)
	Jeff Schall (Vanderbilt): On the
contributions of the frontal eye field,
supplementary eye			field and
anterior cingulate cortex to the guidance and
control of saccades
	Steve Lisberger (UCSF): Precise encoding of smooth eye movement
in macaque frontal pursuit area
	Martin Pare (Queens U): Contributions of
parietal cortex area LIP to visual behavior
	Dora Angelaki (Washington University, St.
Louis): Optic flow, vestibular and eye
	position signals in visual area MSTd

Afternoon: Top-down Influences of Fronto-Parietal Cortex on Vision (Fallah)
	Maz Fallah (York): Oculomotor Control of Spatial Attention
	James Bisley (UCLA): Top-down suppression
of a distracting popout stimulus
	Joe DeSouza (York): Neural correlates of
response suppression in prefrontal cortex

Lab tours
Conference Banquet

Saturday, June 23
Morning: Visual Integration and Consciousness (Wilson & Crawford)
	Frank Tong (Vanderbilt): Deciphering the
contents of perception from activity in the
		human visual cortex
	Mel Goodale (U of Western Ontario): A low
road to consciousness, a high road to action

Afternoon Free
Evening: Conference Barbeque & Party

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