Connectionists: NEURAL COMPUTATION - January 2008
Terry Sejnowski
terry at
Sat Dec 15 19:35:14 EST 2007
Neural Computation - Contents - Volume 20, Number 1 - January 1, 2008
The High-Conductance State of Cortical Networks
Arvind Kumar, Sven Schrader, and Ad Aertsen, and Stefan Rotter
Irregular Firing of Isolated Cortical Interneurons in vitro Driven by
Intrinsic Stochastic Mechanisms
Bernhard Englitz, Klaus Stiefel, and Terrence Sejnowski
A Very Simple Spiking Neuron Model that Allows for Modeling of Large Complex Systems
Jeffrey Lovelace and Krzysztof J. Cios
Bayesian Spiking Neurons I: Inference
Sophie Deneve
Bayesian Spiking Neurons II: Learning
Sophie Deneve
Population Coding with Motion Energy Filters: The Impact of Correlations
F. Klam, A. Pouget, and R.S. Zemel
Feedback Decoding of Spatially Structured Population Activity in Cortical Maps
Nicholas V. Swindale
Chaotic Frequency Scaling in a Coupled Oscillator Model for Free Rhythmic Actions
Aaron Raftery, and Joseph Cusumano, Dagmar Sternad
The Actor-Critic Learning is Behind the Matching Law:
Matching vs. Optimal Behaviors
Minimization of Error Functionals Over Perceptron Networks
Vera Kurkova
An SMO Algorithm for the Potential Support Vector Machine
Tilman Knebel, Sepp Hochreiter, and Klaus Obermayer
On the Classification Capability of Sign-Constrained Perceptrons
Robert Legenstein and Wolfgang Maass
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