Connectionists: MBL Summer School on Neuronal Data Analysis

David Kleinfeld dk at
Thu Apr 12 15:39:56 EDT 2007

Dear  Colleague,

I write to inform you of the opportunity for graduate students, 
post-docs and colleagues to participate in the MBL special topics 
courses, described at the link below, devoted to neuronal data 
analysis and modeling with a focus on spectra and statistics.  This 
course attracts leaders in the field to teach a unique and intensive 
schedule.  In addition faculty and students have numerous 
opportunities for informal discussion and to analyze real data sets. 
We believe that the educational experience and the ability to network 
with leading scientists from many institutions, provided by our 
courses, is not available at any single home institution.

Substantial financial aid is available to defray the cost of tuition.

Course Date: August 11 - 26, 2007
Directors:	Emery Brown, MIT and MGH
	David Kleinfeld, UCSD
	Partha Mitra, CSHL

Application Deadline: April 20, 2007
This course contains pedagogical lectures on basic statistical 
techniques as well as focused mini-workshops on specific neuroscience 
topics where applications of these techniques are critical.

Thank you in advance for passing on this information.  Based on 
comments from alumni this educational experience has had a profound 
effect on their scientific career.


Lenny Dawidowicz, Ph.D.
Director of Education


David Kleinfeld
Professor - Department of Physics		Office/Voice mail: 
University of California at San Diego		Laboratory: +1(858)534-3562
7202 Urey Hall (Express Delivery)		Fax: +1(858)534-7697
9500 Gilman Drive (Postal Service)		E-mail: dk at
La Jolla, California 92093-0374

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