Connectionists: WSOM 2007: deadline extension

Robert Haschke rhaschke at
Wed Apr 11 10:52:47 EDT 2007

            D E A D L I N E   E X T E N S I O N

   6th Int. Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM 2007)
       September 3rd - 6th 2007, Bielefeld, Germany


Due to several requests we are pleased to announce that the final
submission deadline for papers has been extended until April 22th.

The 6th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps will bring
together researchers and practicioners in the field of self-organizing
systems, with a particular emphasis on neural networks and
self-organizing maps. It will highlight key advances in these and
related fields. It is the sixth conference in a series of bi-annual
international conferences started with WSOM'97 in Helsinki.
The programme committee cordially invites you to attend WSOM 2007 and
submit papers on all aspects of self-organizing systems including:

    * Self-organization
    * Unsupervised learning
      (including PCA/NLPCA, ICA/NLICA, Principal Curves/Surfaces)
    * Signal processing, image processing and vision
    * Robotics and Intelligent Systems
    * Data visualization, mining and sonification
    * Bioinformatics
    * Text and document analysis
    * Financial analysis
    * Time-series analysis
    * Theory and extensions
    * Optimization
    * Hardware and architecture

Papers will be peer reviewed by an international program committee
according to the criteria pertinence, scientific quality, impact,
generality, and innovation. High-quality submissions will be selected
for oral or poster presentation during the conference.

Your WSOM organizers

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