Connectionists: Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course 2007: Final Call for Applications
Kenji Doya
doya at
Sun Apr 1 23:04:05 EDT 2007
Application Deadline: APRIL 5TH, 2007
Neurons, Networks and Behaviors
June 25 - July 13, 2007. Okinawa, Japan.
The aim of the Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course is to
provide opportunities for young researchers with theoretical backgrounds
to learn the latest advances in neuroscience, and for those with
backgrounds to have hands-on experience in computational modeling.
We invite graduate students and postgraduate researchers to participate
in the course, held from June 25th through July 13th at an oceanfront
seminar house of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology.
Those interested in attending the course should send the materials below
by e-mail or through the course web page by APRIL 5th, 2007.
In the previous three years, OCNC focused on the brain's computation
at different levels: Bayesian computation by neural populations (2004),
learning and prediction for behavior (2005), and single neurons as
computational devices (2006). This year, OCNC will be a comprehensive
three-week course covering single neurons, networks, and behaviors with
more time for student projects. We invite those who are interested in
integrating experimental and computational approaches at each level,
as well as in bridging different levels of complexity.
The sponsor will provide lodging and meals during the course and
support travel for those without funding. We hope that this course will
be a good opportunity for theoretical and experimental neuroscientists
to meet each other and to explore the attractive nature and culture of
Okinawa, the southernmost island prefecture of Japan.
Confirmed Lectures:
Tutorial 1: math and computing for experimentalists
Markus Diesmann (RIKEN)
Shin Ishii (NAIST)
Tutorial 2: neurobiology for theoreticians
Gordon Arbuthnott (OIST)
Jeff Wickens (OIST)
Single Neuron Computation
Tom Bartol (Salk Institute)
Mike Häusser (UCL)
Dieter Jaeger (Emory University)
Klaus Stiefel (OIST)
David Terman (Ohio State University)
Network Dynamics and Information Coding
Ad Aertsen (U Freiburg)
Hagai Bergman (Hebrew University)
Erik De Schutter (OIST)
Sophie Deneve (ENS Paris)
Eve Marder (Brandeis University)
Behavior and Cognition
Nathaniel Daw (New York University)
Kenji Doya (OIST)
Mitsuo Kawato (ATR)
Read Montague (Baylor College of Medicine)
Student Projects:
a) Single neuron modeling and analysis
b) Psychophysics experiments and modeling
c) Behavioral experiments and modeling
Students will present posters on their current works early in the
course and the results of their projects at the end of the course.
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Japanese Neural Network Society
Erik De Schutter: OIST
Kenji Doya, OIST
Jeffery Wickens, OIST
Klaus Stiefel, OIST
Sydney Brenner, OIST
Mitsuo Kawato, ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories
Terrence Sejnowski, Salk Institute
Torsten Wiezel, Rockefeller University
******* Application *******
Please send the following by e-mail (ocnc2007 at or the web
application page by APRIL 5TH, 2007.
1) First name, 2) Middle initial (if any), 3) Family name, 4) Degree,
5) Date of birth, 6) Gender, 7) Nationality,
8) Affiliation (section and organization), 9) Position, 10) Advisor,
11) Postal address, 12) Nearest airpot, 13) Phone,
14) Fax, 15) E-mail, 16) Web page (if any), 17) Educational background,
18) Work experience, 19) List of publications, 20) Research interests
(up to 500 words), 21) Motivations for attending the course (up to
500 words),
22) Two referees whom we can ask for reference (names, affiliations,
e-mail addresses) *We don't need recommendation letters.,
23) Need for travel support, 24) How you learned about the course
25) Preferred project (a:neuron, b:network, c:behavior)
26) Membership of Japanese Neural Network Society (yes/no).
We will accept 30 students based primarily on their research interests
(20) and motivations (21). We will also consider the balance of members'
research disciplines, geographic origins, and genders.
The result of selection will be informed to applicants via e-mail by
April 20th.
For more information, please visit the web page:
******* Secretariat *******
Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
12-22 Suzaki, Uruma
Okinawa 904-2234, Japan
Phone: +81-98-921-3933
Fax: +81-98-921-3873
Email: ocnc2007 at
Kenji Doya <doya at>
Initial Research Project, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
12-22 Suzaki, Uruma, Okinawa 904-2234, Japan
Phone:+81-98-921-3843; Fax:+81-98-921-3873
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