Connectionists: Neurocomputing volume 69 (issues 16-18)
Tom Heskes
t.heskes at
Tue Sep 12 09:38:50 EDT 2006
Neurocomputing volume 69 (issues 16-18)
(Brain inspired cognitive systems
edited by Amir Hussain, Leslie S. Smith and Igor Alexander)
Brain inspired cognitive systems (BICS 2004)
Amir Hussain, Leslie S. Smith and Igor Alexander
Symmetry axis extraction by a neural network
Kunihiko Fukushima and Masayuki Kikuchi
The oscillatory dynamic link matcher for spiking-neuron-based pattern
Ramin Pichevar, Jean Rouat and Le Tan Thanh Tai
A binary neural decision table classifier
Victoria J. Hodge, Simon O’Keefe and Jim Austin
Mixed-signal neuron-synapse implementation for large-scale neural network
Il Song Han
A novel multiple-controller incorporating a radial basis function neural
network based generalized learning model
Ali S. Zayed, Amir Hussain and Rudwan A. Abdullah
A new biclustering technique based on crossing minimization
Ahsan Abdullah and Amir Hussain
Effects of NMDA and non-NMDA receptors antagonists on the dynamic
behavior of cultured cortical networks
L. Bonzano, M. Bove and S. Martinoia
An artificial early visual model adopting spike-timing-dependent plasticity
Zhijun Yang and Alan F. Murray
Learning under weight constraints in networks of temporal encoding
spiking neurons
Q.X. Wu, T.M. McGinnity, L.P. Maguire, B. Glackin and A. Belatreche
Executive attention, task selection and attention-based learning in a
neurally controlled simulated robot
Jason Garforth, Sue L. McHale and Anthony Meehan
Spatio-temporal information coding in the cuneate nucleus
J. Navarro, E. Sánchez and A. Canedo
Balancing plasticity and stability of on-line learning based on
hierarchical Bayesian adaptation of forgetting factors
Junichiro Hirayama, Junichiro Yoshimoto and Shin Ishii
Design and basic blocks of a neuromorphic VLSI analogue vision system
Jordi Cosp, Jordi Madrenas and Daniel Fernández
Selective attention implemented with dynamic synapses and
integrate-and-fire neurons
Chiara Bartolozzi and Giacomo Indiveri
Modelling the interaction of attention and emotion
N. Fragopanagos and J.G. Taylor
A model of agent consciousness and its implementation
Ivan Moura
Eye movement predictions on natural videos
Martin Böhme, Michael Dorr, Christopher Krause, Thomas Martinetz and
Erhardt Barth
Understanding spike-time-dependent plasticity: A biologically motivated
computational model
Matthew Hartley, Neill Taylor and John Taylor
Adaptive multiple sets of CSS features for hand posture recognition
Chin-Chen Chang
Learning with generalized-mean neuron model
R.N. Yadav, Nimit Kumar, Prem K. Kalra and Joseph John
Kernel self-organising maps for classification
K.W. Lau, H. Yin and S. Hubbard
GOLS—Genetic orthogonal least squares algorithm for training RBF networks
A.M.S. Barreto, H.J.C. Barbosa and N.F.F. Ebecken
A filter bank approach to independent component analysis for convolved
Hyung-Min Park, Chandra Shekhar Dhir, Sang-Hoon Oh and Soo-Young Lee
A novel genetic reinforcement learning for nonlinear fuzzy control problems
Cheng-Jian Lin and Yong-Ji Xu
Global exponential stability of BAM neural networks with recent-history
distributed delays and impulses
Bingwen Liu and Lihong Huang
Dynamic pruning algorithm for multilayer perceptron based neural control
Jie Ni and Qing Song
Stochastic saliency-based search model for search asymmetry with
uncertain targets
Takahiko Koike and Jun Saiki
Deductive rules in holographic reduced representation
Vladimír Kvasnička and Jiří Pospíchal
Simple neuron-based adaptive controller for a nonholonomic mobile robot
including actuator dynamics
Tamoghna Das, I.N. Kar and S. Chaudhury
Existence and exponential stability of periodic solution for BAM neural
networks with periodic coefficients and delays
Yanqing Liu and Wansheng Tang
The effect of different basis functions on a radial basis function
network for time series prediction: A comparative study
C. Harpham and C.W. Dawson
Parallel reinforcement learning using multiple reward signals
Peter Raicevic
Building meaningful representations for nonlinear modeling of 1d- and
2d-signals: applications to biomedical signals
R. Dubois, B. Quenet, Y. Faisandier and G. Dreyfus
Evolved neural networks based on cellular automata for sensory-motor
Kyung-Joong Kim and Sung-Bae Cho
Integrating the improved CBP model with kernel SOM
Qun Dai and Songcan Chen
Probabilistic PCA for t distributions
J. Zhao and Q. Jiang
LIRA neural classifier for handwritten digit recognition and visual
controlled microassembly
Ernst Kussul and Tatiana Baidyk
Margin-based wrapper methods for gene identification using microarray
Xue-Wen Chen
ICA with Reference
Wei Lu and Jagath C. Rajapakse
Finding cancer subtypes in microarray data using random projections
Debashis Ghosh
Evolutionary system for automatically constructing and adapting radial
basis function networks
Daniel Manrique, Juan Ríos and Alfonso Rodríguez-Patón
A new ARTMAP-based neural network for incremental learning
Mu-Chun Su, Jonathan Lee and Kuo-Lung Hsieh
Analysis of two restart algorithms
Wei Lin and Tianping Chen
Genetic tracker with neural network for single and multiple target tracking
Ilke Turkmen, Kerim Guney and Dervis Karaboga
Fast computation with neural oscillators
Wei Wang and Jean-Jacques E. Slotine
An image coding scheme using SMVQ and support vector machines
Chin-Chen Chang and Chia-Te Liao
A deformation-invariant image-based fingerprint verification system
Loris Nanni and Alessandra Lumini
Phase space learning in an autonomous dynamical neural network
Hiroshi Inazawa and Garrison W. Cottrell
Secure hash function based on neural network
Shiguo Lian, Jinsheng Sun and Zhiquan Wang
A variational method for learning sparse Bayesian regression
Mingjun Zhong
Flexible kernels for RBF networks
Andre O. Falcão, Thibault Langlois and Andreas Wichert
New fast time delay neural networks using cross correlation performed in
the frequency domain
Hazem M. El-Bakry
Image restoration using variational PDE-based neural network
Ya-Dong Wu, Qing-Xin Zhu, Shi-Xin Sun and Hong-Ying Zhang
Improved extreme learning machine for function approximation by encoding
a priori information
Fei Han and De-Shuang Huang
New LMI conditions for delay-dependent asymptotic stability of delayed
Hopfield neural networks
Xuyang Lou and Baotong Cui
Hardware–software partitioning of real-time operating systems using
Hopfield neural networks
Bing Guo, Dianhui Wang, Yan Shen and Zhong Liu
Combining labeled and unlabeled data with graph embedding
Haitao Zhao
Empirical tests on BioHashing
Loris Nanni and Alessandra Lumini
A novel adaptive sequential niche technique for multimodal function
Jun Zhang, De-Shuang Huang, Tat-Ming Lok and Michael R. Lyu
An advanced multi-matcher method for on-line signature verification
featuring global features and tokenised random numbers
Loris Nanni
Feature selection in independent component subspace for microarray data
Chun-Hou Zheng, De-Shuang Huang and Li Shang
Image binarization focusing on objects
Songcan Chen and Daohong Li
Non-combinatorial estimation of independent autoregressive sources
Barnabás Póczos and András Lőrincz
On-line estimation of the final prediction error via recursive
least-squares method
John Sum and Kevin Ho
Prototype-based fuzzy classification with local relevance for proteomics
T. Villmann, F.-M. Schleif and B. Hammer
Applying genetic algorithm for classifying anomalous TCP/IP packets
Taeshik Shon, Xeno Kovah and Jongsub Moon
A novel ensemble of classifiers for protein fold recognition
Loris Nanni
Global optimal ICA and its application in MEG data analysis
Lei Xie and Jun Wu
Sampled FLDA for face recognition with single training image per person
Hongtao Yin, Ping Fu and Shengwei Meng
Reduced complexity RBF classifiers with support vector centres and
dynamic decay adjustment
Renzo Perfetti and Elisa Ricci
A new methodology for in situ calibration of a neural network-based
software sensor for S-parameter prediction in six-port reflectometers
J.L. Pedreño-Molina, M. Pinzolas and J. Monzó-Cabrera
On the reduction of complexity in the architecture of fuzzy ARTMAP with
dynamic decay adjustment
Shing Chiang Tan, M.V.C. Rao and Chee Peng Lim
Remarks on BioHashing based cancelable biometrics in verification system
Andrew Teoh Beng Jin and Tee Connie
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