Connectionists: Summer visitor internships in Computer Vision, Neural Processing and Machine Learning, TTI-Chicago

Cristian Sminchisescu crismin at
Sat May 20 06:40:04 EDT 2006

Dear Connectionists,

Please find below an advertisement for research-oriented internships
available in the area of Computer Vision (with emphasis on neural
processing and machine learning) at Toyota Technological Institute at

Thank you for considering this and best regards,

Cristian Sminchisescu


A number of summer visitor internships are available in the area of
Computer Vision, Neural Processing and Machine Learning at the TTI-C
institute ( inside the University of Chicago, USA, during
the period May 15th-October 15th 2006. These internships are only
available to (typically advanced) PhD. students at US universities (e.g.
F-1 students or any students who already are in possession of a legal
document to study / work in the US). There are possibilities for longer or
shorter stages (> 3 months), depending on the candidate.

The visiting interns will work, together with Dr. Cristian Sminchisescu
(, on projects related to general visual
processing algorithms including biologically inspired visual architectures
(like HMAX, convolutional neural networks, sparse coding), numerical
optimization (non-convex continuous methods for non-linear architectures),
as well as human motion sensing (2d human detection and localization, 3d
human modeling and 3d reconstruction, etc) from video sequences. Different
focus options are available depending on the interests and strengths of
the candidate.

See, for example, the following tutorial for an overview on some of the

The work is strongly research oriented, targeting to make contributions
that can be published at high-profile international conferences . hence
this may also involve building a prototype and testing it thoroughly.
Willing to work with real image sequences is essential.  A strong
background in computer vision and machine learning or optimization is
desired. Good programming experience with (at least some of) the following
environments is essential: C/C++, graphics modeling libraries
(OpenInventor, OpenGL), animation packages (Maya, Poser), or scientific
programming environments (Matlab).

--> APPLICATION PROCESS: Please send a CV (including the name of at least
3 referees who may be asked for recommendation letters) and a brief letter
of interests to Cristian Sminchisescu at:

                 crismin at

--> STIPEND: The visiting students will be paid the monthly salary: 3200

--> LOCATION:  TTI-C is located in Hyde Park (an exciting place to live in
the vibrant city of Chicago which offers a wide range of attractions
including jazz, classical and modern music and theater, and exciting
recreational areas at lake Michigan) on the University of Chicago campus
and has a close affiliation with the UofC CS Department. It has excellent
computing and working facilities and faculty members with strong interests
in AI, computer vision, machine learning, approximation theory and
scientific computing (


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