Connectionists: Positions in Biologically Inspired Information Processing

David Barber david.barber at
Fri May 5 06:02:51 EDT 2006

Postdoc and PhD positions in biologically inspired information processing

The IDIAP Research Institute ( seeks immediately
qualified candidates for PhD and Post-Doctoral positions in the
field of bio-inspired information processing.

The starting date is immediate, with competitive salaries.

Current information extraction techniques perform well when event
types are well represented in the training data but fail when
encountering information-rich unexpected rare events. On the other
hand, biological organisms rely for their survival on detecting and
identifying new events.

A new 5-year multi-site DIRAC project coordinated by IDIAP and
funded by the European Community (8 partners in 5 countries), aims
to move the art of machine information extraction from the classical
signal processing/pattern classification paradigm to more human-like
information extraction. IDIAP's current research emphasis in the
project is mainly on human speech communication but the extension to
other types of cognitive signals is likely.

Please see for further details.

The successful candidate will combine her/his excellent background
in electrical engineering, physics or mathematics and have interests
in biological information processing and machine learning.

The successful candidate will work closely with Prof. Hynek
Hermansky, an expert in acoustic processing, and Dr. Barber, an
expert in machine learning and probabilistic models.

Interested candidates should send a letter of motivation, along with
their detailed CV and names of 3 references to jobs at More
information can also be obtained by contacting either Prof. Hynek Hermansky
hynek.hermansky at or Dr. David Barber david.barber at
Please read
for guidlines on the application procedure.

IDIAP is an equal opportunity employer and is actively involved in
the European initiative involving the Advancement of Women in
Science. IDIAP seeks to maintain a principle of open competition (on
the basis of merit) to appoint the best candidate, provides equal
opportunity for all candidates, and equally encourages both genders
to consider employment with IDIAP.  IDIAP is located in the town of
Martigny in Valais, a scenic region in the south of Switzerland,
surrounded by the highest mountains of Europe, and offering exciting
recreational activities, including hiking, climbing and skiing, as
well as varied cultural activities. It is within close proximity to
Geneva Lake and Lausanne. Although IDIAP is located in the French
part of Switzerland, English is the main working language. Free
English and French lessons are provided.

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