Connectionists: CFP: Special Session on Advances in Neural Network Learning Methods, ICANN 2006

Jose Dorronsoro jose.r.dorronsoro at
Fri Mar 10 09:51:26 EST 2006

Special Session on Advances in Neural Network Learning Methods

ICANN 2006: 16th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks

10-14 September 2006 Holiday Inn Athens, Greece

Call for Papers

While there are several well established NN 
construction procedures, there is a constant 
research work on new ways to improve on them or 
to apply to NN training new procedures coming 
from other areas of machine learning. Moreover, 
there is a clear awareness among NN practitioners 
of the advantages that alternative procedures or 
paradigms may bring and a willingness to apply 
those most promising on new classification or 
regression problems arising in diverse areas, 
particularly those involving special 
difficulties, such as large sample dimension or data noise.

The aim of this Special Session is to provide a 
wide look on the latest applications to NN 
training of recent advancements in machine 
learning. As possible topics of the session we mention:

* Latest improvements on established NN learning methods.
* Advances in ensemble NN methods, such as 
boosting, bagging and their variants.
* Dimension expanding procedures, such as kernel methods.
* Evolutionary computation based training.
* New training paradigms from neurobiological computation.

Submission procedure:
Papers are to be submitted through the ICANN 2006 
submission webpage, where Instructions for Authors are also available.
When submitting these, please mention your 
interest in this special session and send also 
the abstract to one of the Special Session Organizers.


José Dorronsoro
Departamento de Ingeniería Informática and 
Instituto de Ingeniería del Conocimiento
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Madrid, Spain
jose.dorronsoro at

Pedro Isasi
Departamento de Informática
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Madrid, Spain
isasi at

Important dates:

30 March: End of submission of papers to special sessions
30 April: Acceptance/rejection notification
15 June: Deadline for camera ready papers

José R. Dorronsoro
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
28049 Madrid

Tel: 34 91 497 2329, 34 91 497 2240
Fax: 34 91 497 2334  

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