Connectionists: paper by Haeusler and Maass on detailed cortical microcircuit models
Stefan Haeusler
haeusler at
Fri Mar 3 05:44:16 EST 2006
The paper
"A statistical analysis of information processing properties of
lamina-specific cortical microcircuit models"
Stefan Haeusler, and Wolfgang Maass
(to appear in Cerebral Cortex, 2006)
is now available at
A major challenge for computational neuroscience is to understand the
computational function of lamina-specific synaptic connection patterns
in stereotypical cortical microcircuits. Previous work on this problem
had focused on hypothesized specific computational roles of individual
layers and connections between layers, and had tested these hypotheses
through simulations of abstract neural network models. We approach this
problem by studying instead the dynamical system defined by more
realistic cortical microcircuit models as a whole, and by investigating
the in fluence which its laminar structure has on the transmission and
fusion of information within this dynamical system. The circuit models
that we examine consist of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with dynamic synapses,
based on detailed data from [Thomson et al., 2002, Markram et al., 1998]
and [Gupta et al., 2000]. We investigate to what extent this cortical
microcircuit template supports the accumulation and fusion of
information contained in generic spike inputs into layer 4 and layers
2/3, and how well it makes this information accessible to projection
neurons in layers 2/3 and layer 5. We exhibit specific computational
advantages of such data-based lamina-specific cortical microcircuit
model by comparing its performance with various types of control models
that have the same components and the same global statistics of neurons
and synaptic connections, but are missing the lamina-specific structure
of real cortical microcircuits. We conclude that computer simulations of
detailed lamina-specific cortical microcircuit models provide new
insight into computational consequences of anatomical and physiological
Stefan Haeusler
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