Connectionists: CNS*2006: workshop on structural plasticity and development
Markus Butz
markus.butz at
Tue Jun 20 10:48:26 EDT 2006
We would like to draw your attention on the coming CNS meeting workshop
about structural plasticity:
Workshop announcement CNS*2006 meeting, Edinburgh
Modelling structural plasticity and neural development
M. Butz, Neuroanatomy, University of Bielefeld &
A. van Ooyen, CNCR, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Structural plasticity in terms of neurite outgrowth, synapse formation,
synaptic regression and turnover as well as neurogenesis and apoptosis
is crucial for neural development during ontogeny and even for network
reorganizations in the mature brain. During development, progressive and
regressive events go hand-in-hand to form a homeostaically stable
network structure. The workshop is in order to discuss the biological
background as well as current theoretical approaches that shed a light
to the dynamic of those morphogenetic processe. Besides very different
theoretical as well as experimental talks (30 minutes) there will be
plenty room for discussion (15 minutes after each talk)
You find the latest version of the workshop program in the pdf-file
Further information and registration on
Best regards,
Markus Butz
p.p. Arjen van Ooyen
Dept. of Neuroanatomy
Faculty of Biology
University of Bielefeld
Universitaetsstr. 25
33615 Bielefeld
Phone: +49/(0)521-106-5715
e-mail: markus.butz at
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