Connectionists: position open
Prof. J. Feng
jf218 at
Thu Jun 8 04:31:30 EDT 2006
Research Councils UK Academic Fellowship (RCUKF)
27,929 - 32,490 pounds pa
Fixed term Contract for 5 years, leading to a permanent Lectureship
dependent upon successful completion of the probationary period.
Following the recent RCUK competition, the University of Warwick has
successfully bid for Academic Fellowships in key research areas of
strategic importance for the University (a total of eight fellowships). The
Fellowships will provide experienced postdoctoral researchers with the
opportunity to establish a permanent career path. All Fellows will be
offered a permanent academic position at the end of the Fellowship, subject
to the successful completion of the University? probationary period. During
the period of your Fellowship, you will be expected to apply actively for
funding for your research.
The University of Warwick has a reputation for excellence and innovation
in research. With an emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches and
entrepreneurial culture, Warwick is one of the leading research
institutions in the UK. The University was ranked 5th in the last RAE with
25 out of 26 departments gaining a 5 rating or above.
Closing date for applications: 30 June 2006
Applications are now invited for one Academic Fellow in the following area
You will focus on complex phenomena arising from modelling data-rich
biological systems and computational neuroscience, closely interacting with
colleagues in Mathematics, Physics and Biological Sciences (Neurosciences).
Informal Enquiries: Prof. Jianfeng Feng, (Jianfeng.Feng at
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