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Roman Borisyuk R.Borisyuk at
Tue Jun 6 06:52:25 EDT 2006

New announcements on 9th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW9)
Plymouth UK, 8-10 September 2004

 1. Thanks to the sponsorship of the UK councils BBSRC and EPSRC,
 there is now a limited number of travel grants. You can apply, after
 submitting your abstract, by writing to ncpw9 at and
 explaining the motivation for your request.

 2. The abstract submission deadline has been extended to JULY 1st.

 Please see full Call for Abstract below


                           Call for Abstracts - Extended Deadline

                     Modelling Language, Cognition and Action

                       Plymouth (UK),  8-10 September 2004


The 9th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW9) will be
held in Plymouth (England), September 8-10, 2004. Each year this
lively forum brings together researchers from diverse disciplines such
as psychology, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer
science, robotics, neuroscience, and philosophy. The special theme of
this year's workshop is "Neural Network Modelling of Language,
Cognition and Action".

PAPER SUBMISSIONS are INVITED in this and others areas covering the
wider subject of neural modelling of cognitive and psychological

Papers will be considered for oral and poster presentations. After the
conference, participants will be invited to submit a paper for the
post-conference proceedings. This Workshop has always been
characterized by the presentation of high quality papers, its limited
size and the fact that it takes place in an informal setting. These
features are explicitly designed to encourage interaction among the


Nick Chater (Warwick University, UK)
Bob French (University of Liege, Belgium)
Art Glenberg (University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA)
Deb Roy (MIT, USA)
Stefan Wermter (Sunderland University, UK)
Daniel Wolpert (Institute of Neurology, UCL London, UK)

One-page abstracts are now solicited.

DEADLINE: JULY 1st,  2004

FORMAT: Each abstract should conform to the following specifications:
Length: a single page of A4 with 2.5cm margins all round. 
Font size 12pt or larger, single-spaced
Title centred, 14pts
Any reference list and diagram(s) must fit on this single page

AUTHORSHIP AND AFFILIATION: The top of the A4 page must contain:
Title of paper,
Author name(s),
Author affiliation(s) in brief (1 line),
Email address of principal author.

SEND: Word or PDF file to ncpw9 at

Proceedings of the workshop will appear in the series Progress
in Neural Processing, which is published by World Scientific (to be confirmed).

Conference Organisers
Angelo Cangelosi (University of Plymouth)
Guido Bugmann (University of Plymouth)
Roman Borisyuk (University of Plymouth)
John Bullinaria (University of Birmingham)

Important Dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 1st 2004
Notification of acceptance/rejection: July 9th 2004
Submission of full papers: October 15th, 2004

More details can be found on the conference website,

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