Bi-monthly Reminder
Connectionists-Request at
Tue Jun 6 06:52:25 EDT 2006
This note was last updated July 24, 1998
This is an automatically posted bi-monthly reminder about how the
CONNECTIONISTS list works and how to access various online resources.
CONNECTIONISTS is a moderated forum for enlightened technical
discussions and professional announcements. It is not a random
free-for-all like Membership in CONNECTIONISTS
is restricted to persons actively involved in neural net research.
The following posting guidelines are designed to reduce the amount of
irrelevant messages sent to the list. Before you post, please
remember that this list is distributed to thousands of busy people who
don't want their time wasted on trivia. Also, many subscribers pay
cash for each kbyte; they shouldn't be forced to pay for junk mail.
-- Dave Touretzky & Mark C. Fuhs
What to post to CONNECTIONISTS
- The list is primarily intended to support the discussion of technical
issues relating to neural computation.
- We encourage people to post the abstracts of their latest papers and
tech reports.
- Conferences and workshops may be announced on this list AT MOST twice:
once to send out a call for papers, and once to remind non-authors about
the registration deadline. A flood of repetitive announcements about
the same conference is not welcome here.
- Requests for ADDITIONAL references. This has been a particularly
sensitive subject. Please try to (a) demonstrate that you have already
pursued the quick, obvious routes to finding the information you desire,
and (b) give people something back in return for bothering them. The
easiest way to do both these things is to FIRST do the library work to find
the basic references, then POST these as part of your query. Here's an
WRONG WAY: "Can someone please mail me all references to cascade
RIGHT WAY: "I'm looking for references to work on cascade
correlation. I've already read Fahlman's paper in NIPS 2, his
NIPS 3 abstract, corresponded with him directly and retrieved the
code in the nn-bench archive. Is anyone aware of additional work
with this algorithm? I'll summarize and post results to the list."
- Announcements of job openings related to neural computation.
- Short reviews of new textbooks related to neural computation.
To send mail to everyone on the list, address it to
Connectionists at CS.CMU.EDU
- Requests for addition to the list, change of address and other
administrative matters should be sent to:
"Connectionists-Request at"
(note the exact spelling: many "connectionists", one "request").
If you mention our mailing list to someone who may apply to be added
to it, please make sure they use the above and NOT "Connectionists at".
- Requests for e-mail addresses of people who are believed to subscribe
to CONNECTIONISTS should be sent to postmaster at appropriate-site. If the
site address is unknown, send your request to
Connectionists-Request at and we'll do our best to help. A
phone call to the appropriate institution may sometimes be simpler and
- Note that in many mail programs a reply to a message is automatically
"CC"-ed to all the addresses on the "To" and "CC" lines of the original
message. If the mailer you use has this property, please make sure your
personal response (request for a Tech Report etc.) is NOT broadcast over
the net.
All e-mail messages sent to "Connectionists at" starting 27-Feb-88 are
now available for public perusal.
A separate file exists for each month. The files' names are:
where yymm stand for the obvious thing. Thus the earliest available data are
in the file:
Files ending with .Z are compressed using the standard unix compress
program. The files ending with .gz are compressed using the GNU gzip
program. In the event that you do not already have gzip, it is available via
ftp from "" in the "/pub/gnu" directory. To browse through
these files (as well as through other files, see below) you must FTP them to
your local machine.
The file "current" in the same directory contains the archives for the
current month.
How to Access Files from the CONNECTIONISTS Archive
There are two ways to access the CONNECTIONISTS archive:
1. Using your World Wide Web browser. Enter the following location:
2. Using an FTP client.
a) Open an FTP connection to host FTP.CS.CMU.EDU
b) Login as user anonymous with password your username.
c) 'cd' directly to the following directory:
The archive directory is the ONLY one you can access. You can't even
find out whether any other directories exist. If you are using the
'cd' command you must cd DIRECTLY into this directory.
Problems? - contact us at "Connectionists-Request at".
More information about the Connectionists
mailing list