CFA: Autumn School on HYBRID SYSTEMS
ertel at fbe.FH-Weingarten.DE
Tue Jun 6 06:52:25 EDT 2006
* web page:
* LaTeX source: enclosed below
Ravensburg -- Weingarten (Germany)
September 25--28, 1996
organized by
"Modular Integration of
Connectionist and Symbolic Processing
in Knowledge-Based Systems"
The combination of symbolic and connectionist systems is one of the
currently most challenging and interesting fields of Artificial
Intelligence. This school introduces students as well as active
researchers to this new and promising direction of research.
Most symbolic systems are more or less logic based and therefore
perform deductive reasoning on expert knowledge, but have severe
problems with inductive reasoning. On the other hand neural networks
are good in inductive reasoning based on data, but are less apt to
perform deductive reasoning. Another view of this problem is the
integration of prior knowledge (e.g. expert knowledge) into an
inductive system.
The lectures will give an insight into the ongoing research in the
field where the fundamental theory as well as practical solutions for
concrete applications will be presented.
Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of Neural Networks
and Artificial Intelligence.
There will be 6 lectures each consisting of 4 x 45 min lessons.
1) Melanie Hilario (Univ. Geneva), Abderrahim Labbi (Univ. Grenoble),
Wolfgang Ertel (FH Weingarten):
A Framework for the Modular Integration of Knowledge and Data
in Hybrid Systems
2) Alessandro Sperduti (Univ. Pisa):
Neural Networks for the Processing of Structures
3) Jose Gonzales and Juan R. Velasco (Univ. Madrid):
A Comprehensive View of Fuzzy-Neural Hybrids
4) Michael Kaiser (Univ. Karlsruhe):
Combining Symbolic and Connectionist Techniques in Adaptive Control
5) NN
6) NN
The attendees of the autumn school are encouraged to bring along a
poster (size about 40 60 cm) which gives insight into their
research work, the project they are working in, etc. which shall be
presented in a poster session.
Wolfgang Ertel, FH Ravensburg-Weingarten
Bertram Fronhoefer TU Munich
- Students: ECU 150.--
- University: ECU 250.--
- Industry: ECU 400.--
Applications should be sent preferably by email to:
ashs at
Applications should contain a full address and a short statement about
the applicants scientific qualification (student, PhD student,
industrial researcher, etc.) and his interests in the topics of the
autumn school. If email is not available, applications by surface
mail should be sent to:
Wolfgang Ertel Phone: +49--751--501--721
FH Ravensburg-Weingarten Fax: +49--751--501--749
Postfach 1261
D-88241 Weingarten
Attendance to the school will be limited to about 50 participants.
LANGUAGE: All lectures will be in English.
LECTURE SITE: The lectures will be given in the Informatik Zentrum
of the Fachhochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten and will start on
September 25 in the morning.
Apart from a large range of hotels with prizes from DM 40.-- till DM
200.--, there are also limited occasions for inexpensive student
lodging. Low price lunch will be provided by the Mensa (canteen) of
the Fachhochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten.
Weingarten and its immediate neighbour-city Ravensburg with about
70000 inhabitants represent the economic and cultural heart of
Oberschwaben. Above the valley of the river Schussen the famous
basilica of Weingarten together with the adjacent old Benedictine
abbey is one of the most significant baroque constructions north of
the alps. Close to and partly inside the baroque buildings of the
abbey is the Fachhochschule, a university for engineering and social
sciences where the school will take place.
Oberschwaben is a rural pre-alpine area with various little lakes and
fens, located in the south-west of Germany, close to the lake of
Konstanz and the borders to Austria and Switzerland. The alps are not
far (an hour by car or train) and the lake of Konstanz provides all
facilities for marine outdoor activities.
For further information and inquiries concerning participation please
send an e-mail message to the above address. This call as well as
futher information is available from the WWW-page:
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\newcommand{\tit}[1]{{\em #1.}}
\newenvironment{alist}{\begin{list}{}{\itemsep 1mm \parsep 0mm}}{\end{list}}
FH Ravensburg--Weingarten (Germany)
September 25--28, 1996
organized by \\[1ex]
"Modular Integration of \\
Connectionist and Symbolic Processing \\
in Knowledge-Based Systems" \\
\end {centering}
The combination of symbolic and connectionist systems is one of the
currently most challenging and interesting fields of Artificial
Intelligence. This school introduces students as well as active
researchers to this new and promising direction of research.
Most symbolic systems are more or less logic based and therefore
perform deductive reasoning on expert knowledge, but have severe
problems with inductive reasoning. On the other hand neural networks
are good in inductive reasoning based on data, but are less apt to
perform deductive reasoning. Another view of this problem is the
integration of prior knowledge (e.g.\ expert knowledge) into an inductive
The lectures will give an insight into the ongoing research in the
field where the fundamental theory as well as practical solutions for
concrete applications will be presented.
Participants are expected to
have basic knowledge of Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence.
{\bf Lectures} \\
There will be 6 lectures each consisting of 4 x 45 min lessons.
\end {centering}
\item[1.] Melanie Hilario (Univ.\ Geneva), Abderrahim
Labbi (Univ.\ Grenoble), Wolfgang Ertel \\(FH~Weingarten):\\
\tit{A Framework for the Modular Integration of
Knowledge and Data in Hybrid Systems}
\item[2.] Alessandro Sperduti (Univ.\ Pisa): \tit{Neural Networks for
the Processing of Structures}
\item[3.] Jose Gonzales and Juan R. Velasco (Univ.\ Madrid):\\
\tit{A Comprehensive View of Fuzzy-Neural Hybrids}
\item[4.] Michael Kaiser (Univ.\ Karlsruhe):\\
\tit{Combining Symbolic and Connectionist Techniques in
Adaptive Control}
\item[5.] NN
\item[6.] NN
{\bf Poster Session \\}
\end {centering}
The attendees of the autumn school are encouraged to bring along a
poster (size about 40 $\times$ 60 cm) which gives insight into their
research work, the project they are working in, etc. which shall be
presented in a poster session.
{\bf Directors of the School
Wolfgang Ertel, FH Ravensburg-Weingarten \\
Bertram Fronh\"ofer, TU Munich \\
{\bf General Information \\
\end {centering}
{\bf Participation fees:} \\
-- Students : & ECU 150.-- \\
-- University : & ECU 250.-- \\
-- Industry : & ECU 400.--
{\bf Deadline for Application:} April 12, 1996
{\bf Notification of Acceptance:} May 22, 1996
Applications should be sent preferably by email to:
{\tt ashs at}
Applications should contain a full address and a short statement about
the applicants scientific qualification (student, PhD student,
industrial researcher, etc.)
and his interests in the topics of the autumn school.
If email is not available, applications by surface mail should be sent to:
\parbox[t]{6cm}{Wolfgang Ertel\\
FH Ravensburg-Weingarten\\
Postfach 1261\\
D-88241 Weingarten}
\parbox[t]{6cm}{Phone: +49--751--501--721\\
Fax: +49--751--501--749}
Attendance to the school will be limited to about 50 participants.
{\bf Language:} All lectures will be in English.
{\bf Lecture site:} The lectures will be given in the
Informatik Zentrum of the Fachhochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten and will
start on September 25 in the morning.
{\bf Accomodation:}
Apart from a large range of hotels with prizes from
DM 40.-- till DM 200.--,
there are also limited occasions for inexpensive student lodging.
Low price lunch will be provided by the Mensa (canteen) of the
Fachhochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten.
{\bf Location:}
Weingarten and its immediate neighbour-city Ravensburg with about
70000 inhabitants represent the economic and cultural heart of
Oberschwaben. Above the valley of the river Schussen the famous
basilica of Weingarten together with the adjacent old Benedictine
abbey is one of the most significant baroque constructions north of
the alps. Close to and partly inside the baroque buildings of the
abbey is the Fachhochschule, a university for engineering and social
sciences where the school will take place.\\
Oberschwaben is a rural pre-alpine area with various little lakes and
fens, located in the south-west of Germany, close to the lake of
Konstanz and the borders to Austria and Switzerland. The alps are not
far (an hour by car or train) and the lake of Konstanz provides all
facilities for marine outdoor activities.
For further information and inquiries concerning participation please send an
e-mail message to the above address.
This call as well as futher information is available
from the WWW-page:\\
More information about the Connectionists
mailing list