No subject
Tue Jun 6 06:52:25 EDT 2006
following. Note that some locations may have "firewall"
that prevents Xwindows' applications from running. If this
procedure fails, you may have to find a machine outside your
firewall or use the character-based interface (csb).
+ xhost + (Xwindows display permission for
+ telnet
+ (login)
+ TERM=xterms (it is important to use "xterms")
+ Figure out and enter your machine's IP address(in
/etc/hosts or ask an administrator)
+ gxsb (Xwindows version of SuperBook)
3.1 Overview of Xwindows SuperBook Commands
When you login to SuperBook, you will obtain a Library
Window. For the IWANNT proceedings, you should select the
IWANNT shelf, highlight "Applications of Neural Networks to
Telecommunications" and click "Open". The Text Window
should be placed on the right side of the screen and the
Table-of-Contents Window should be placed on the left.
These windows can be resized.
Table-of-Contents (TOC): Books, articles, and sections
within books can be selected by clicking in the TOC. If the
entry contains subsections, it will be marked with a "+".
Double-clicking on those entries expands them. Clicking on
an expanded entry closes it.
Text Window: The text can be scrolled one-line-at-a-time
with the Scroll Bar Arrows or a page-at-a-time by clicking
on the spaces immediately above or below the Slider.
Graphics: Figures, tables, and some equations are presented
as bitmaps. The graphics can be viewed by clicking on the
blue icons at the right side of the text which pops up a
bitmap-viewer. Graphics can be closed by clicking on their
"close" button. Some multilemdia applications have been
included, but these may not work correctly across the
Searching: Terms can be searched in the text by typing them
into the Search-Window. Wild-card searches are possible as
term* You can also search by clicking on a term in the text
(to clear that search and select another, do ctrl-click).
Annotations: Annotations are indicated with a pencil icon
and can be read by clicking on the icon. Annotations can be
created (with conference-attendee logins) by clicking in the
text with the left button and then typing in the annotation
Exiting: Pull down the FILE menu on the Library Window to
"QUIT", and release.
4. Remote Access via character-based interface
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