Call for Papers - ICNN'93

Enrique Ruspini RUSPINI at
Tue Jun 6 06:52:25 EDT 2006

	 San Francisco, California, March 28 - April 1, 1993

The IEEE Neural Networks Council is pleased to announce its 1993
International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'93) to be held in
San Francisco, California from March 28 to April 1, 1993.  ICNN'93
will be held concurrently with the Second IEEE International
Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'93).  Participants will be able
to attend the technical events of both meetings.

ICNN '93 will be devoted to the discussion of basic advances and
applications of neurobiological systems, neural networks, and neural
computers.  Topics of interest include:

* Neurodynamics
* Associative Memories
* Intelligent Neural Networks
* Invertebrate Neural Networks
* Neural Fuzzy Systems
* Evolutionary Programming
* Optical Neurocomputers
* Supervised Learning
* Unsupervised Learning
* Sensation and Perception
* Genetic Algorithms
* Virtual Reality & Neural Networks
* Applications to:
    - Image Processing and Understanding
    - Optimization
    - Control
    - Robotics and Automation
    - Signal Processing


General Chair: Enrique H. Ruspini

Program Chairs: Hamid R. Berenji, Elie Sanchez, Shiro Usui


S. Amari  	J. A. Anderson	J. C. Bezdek	Y. Burnod
L. Cooper	R. C. Eberhart	R. Eckmiller	J. Feldman
M. Feldman	K. Fukushima	R. Hecht-Nielsen J. Holland
C. Jorgensen	T. Kohonen	C. Lau		C. Mead
N. Packard	D. Rummelhart	B. Skyrms	L. Stark
A. Stubberud	H. Takagi	P. Treleaven	B. Widrow


K. Aihara	I. Aleksander	L.B. Almeida	G. Andeen
C. Anderson	J. A. Anderson	A. Andreou	P. Antsaklis
J. Barhen	B. Bavarian	H. R. Berenji	A. Bergman
J. C. Bezdek	H. Bourlard	D. E. Brown	J. Cabestany
D. Casasent	S. Colombano	R. de Figueiredo  M. Dufosse
R. C. Eberhart	R. M. Farber	J. Farrell	J. Feldman
W. Fisher	W. Fontana	A.A. Frolov	T. Fukuda
C. Glover	K. Goser	D. Hammerstrom	M. H. Hassoun
J. Herault	J. Hertz	D. Hislop	A. Iwata
M. Jordan	C. Jorgensen	L. P. Kaelbling	P. Khedkar
S. Kitamura	B. Kosko	J. Koza		C. Lau
C. Lucas	R. J. Marks	J. Mendel	W.T. Miller
M. Mitchell	S. Miyake	A.F. Murray	J.-P. Nadal
T. Nagano	K. S. Narendra	R. Newcomb	E. Oja
N. Packard	A. Pellionisz	P. Peretto	L. Personnaz
A. Prieto	D. Psaltis	H. Rauch	T. Ray
M. B. Reid	E. Sanchez	J. Shavlik	B. Sheu
S. Shinomoto	J. Shynk	P. K. Simpson	N. Sonehara
D. F. Specht	A. Stubberud	N. Sugie	H. Takagi
S. Usui		D. White	H. White	R. Williams
E. Yodogawa	S. Yoshizawa	S. W. Zucker	









ICNN'93 is sponsored by the Neural Networks Council.

Constituent Societies:

* IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
* IEEE Communications Society
* IEEE Computer Society
* IEEE Control Systems Society
* IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society
* IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
* IEEE Industry Applications Society
* IEEE Information Theory Society
* IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society
* IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society
* IEEE Power Engineering Society
* IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
* IEEE Signal Processing Society
* IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society


The program committee cordially invites interested authors to submit
papers dealing with any aspects of research and applications related
to the use of neural models.  Papers must be written in English and
must be received by SEPTEMBER 21, 1992.  Six copies of the paper must
be submitted and the paper should not exceed 8 pages including
figures, tables, and references.  Papers should be prepared on 8.5" x
11" white paper with 1" margins on all sides, using a typewriter or
letter quality printer in one column format, in Times or similar
style, 10 points or larger, and printed on one side of the paper only.
Please include title, authors name(s) and affiliation(s) on top of
first page followed by an abstract.  FAX submissions are not
acceptable.  Please send submissions prior to the deadline to:
Dr. Hamid Berenji, AI Research Branch, MS 269-2, NASA Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, California 94035


The IEEE Neural Networks Council is pleased to announce its first
Video Proceedings program, intended to present new and significant
experimental work in the fields of artificial neural networks and
fuzzy systems, so as to enhance and complement results presented in
the Conference Proceedings.  Interested researchers should submit a 2
to 3 minute video segment (preferred formats: 3/4" Betacam, or Super
VHS) and a one page information sheet (including title, author,
affiliation, address, a 200-word abstract, 2 to 3 references, and a
short acknowledgment, if needed), prior to September 21, 1992, to
Meeting Management, 5665 Oberlin Drive, Suite 110, San Diego, CA
92121.  We encourage those interested in participating in this program
to write to this address for important suggestions to help in the
preparation of their submission.


The Computational Brain: Biological Neural Networks
Terrence J. Sejnowski
The Salk Institute

Evolutionary Programming
David Fogel
Orincon Corporation

Expert Systems and Neural Networks   
George Lendaris
Portland State University

Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks
Darrell Whitley
Colorado State University

Introduction to Biological and Artificial Neural Networks
Steven Rogers
Air Force Institute of Technology

Suggestions from Cognitive Science for Neural Network Applications
James A. Anderson
Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences
Brown University


ICNN '93 will be held concurrently with the Second IEEE International
Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE '93).  ICNN '93 and FUZZ-IEEE
'93 are the largest conferences and trade shows in their fields.
Participants to either conference will be able to attend the combined
exhibit program.  We anticipate an extraordinary trade show offering
a unique opportunity to become acquainted with the latest developments
in products based on neural-networks and fuzzy-systems techniques.
Interested exhibitors are requested to contact the Chairman, Exhibits,
ICNN '93 and FUZZ-IEEE '93, Wei Xu at Telephone (408) 428-1888, FAX
(408) 428-1884.


Meeting Management
5665 Oberlin Drive
Suite 110
San Diego, CA 92121

Tel. (619) 453-6222
FAX  (619) 535-3880

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