No subject

Tue Jun 6 06:52:25 EDT 2006

Juliette Mattioli, Michel Schmitt et al. 
in ICANN91 in Helsinki, Vol.1, pg I-117:
Shape discrimination based in Mathematical Morphology and
Neural Networks, and

Vol 2, pg II-1045
Francois Vallet and Michel Schmitt,
Network Configuration and Initialization using Mathematical Morphology:
Theoretical Study of Measurement Functions.

While above article do not talk about the operations you mentioned, I know
that the author is working on these, i.e. Michel Schmitt;
his address is:
Thomson-CSF, Laboratoire Central de Recherche, 
F-91404 Orsay Cedex, France

Konrad Weigl

Date: Wed, 28 Aug 91 09:49:01 +0200
From: toet at (Lex Toet)

there is indeed very little literature on this topic.
Some references that may be of use are :
S.S. Wilson (1989) Vector morphology and iconic neural networks.
IEEE Tr SMC 19, pp. 1636-1644.

F.Y. Shih and Jenlong Moh (1989) Image morphological operations 
by neural circuits. In: IEEE 1989 Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
pp. 774-777.

M. Scmitt and F. Vallet (1991) Network configuration and initialization
using mathematical morphology: theoretical study of measurement functions.
In: Artificial Neural networks, T. Kohonen, M. Makisara, O. Simula and 
J. Kangas, eds. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. , Amsterdam.

Date: Thu, 29 Aug 91 22:55:35 -0400
From: "Mark Schmalz" <mssz at>

Re: your recent posting to -- obtain the recent papers
	on morphological neural nets by Ritter and Davidson, and
	Davidson and her students.  Published in Proc. SPIE, the
	papers are indexed in the Computer and Control Abstracts,
	which you should have in your library.  Copies may also
	be obtained by writing to:

	Center for Computer Vision Research
	Department of Computer and Information Science
	Attn:  Dr. Joseph Wilson
	University of Florida
	Gainesville, FL  32611

	The morpho. net computes over the ring (R,max,+) or (R,max,*),
	where R denotes the set of reals, max the maximum operation,
	and * multiplication.  In contrast, the more usual McCullogh-
	Pitts net computes over (R,+,*).  Thus, the morpho. net is
	inherently nonlinear.  Additionally, numerous decompositions
	of the morphological operations into linear operations have
	been published.  Casasent has recently published an interesting
	paper on the applications of optics to the morphological 
	functions.  His work on the hit-or-miss transform would be
	an interesting topic for neural net implementation.  I suggest
	you obtain the SPIE Proceedings pertaining to the 1990 and 1991
	Image Algebra conferences, presented at the San Diego Technical
	Symposium of SPIE (both years).  Morphological image processing
	is included in the conference, and some good papers have appeared
	over the last two years.

Mark Schmalz

Christoph Herwig
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University, SC

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