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Mike Denham
M.Denham at
Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006
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Apologies for this second posting - the financial information was not
properly reproduced on the first one.
University of Plymouth
Centre for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
Postdoctoral Research Fellow=20
Five Year Fixed Term Appointment (salary range 23,643 - 29,479 UK pounds
Applications are invited for the post of Postdoctoral Research Fellow in
the Centre for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience at the
University of Plymouth, UK.=20
The post has come available through the award of a major new 1.8M UK
pounds five-year research project funded by the UK Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council entitled: "A Novel Computing
Architecture for Cognitive Systems based on the Laminar Microcircuitry
of the Neocortex". Collaborators on the project include Manchester
University (Stefano Panzeri, Piotr Dudek, Steve Furber), University
College London (Michael Hausser, Arnd Roth), Edinburgh University (Mark
van Rossum, David Willshaw), Oxford University (Jan Schnupp), and London
University School of Pharmacy (Alex Thomson), plus a number of leading
European research groups.
Applicants for the post must have a PhD in a relevant subject area and
possess an expert knowledge of the field of theoretical and
computational neuroscience, or of a closely related area with some
knowledge of theoretical and computational neuroscience. They must be
able to provide evidence of an ability to conduct high quality research
in this or a closely related research area, eg a strong publication
record and peer recognition. Evidence of the ability to work
successfully in collaboration with other research groups on joint
projects would be particularly advantageous.
The work of the Research Fellow will be specifically concerned with the
staged development of the cortical microcircuit model, in collaboration
with all the participants in the project, on a large scale Linux cluster
based simulation facility. Maintaining a close level of collaboration
will involve the Research Fellow in spending short periods of time in
the laboratories of the collaborators, both in the UK and in Europe. The
Research Fellow will also conduct research into methods for combining
different levels/scales of model description which emerge as the project
progresses, in order to build an integrated cortical microcircuit model.
These tasks will require a postdoctoral researcher with extensive
research experience in neurobiological modelling and the knowledge of
theoretical and computational neuroscience at the neurobiological level,
ie detailed modelling of neurons and neural circuitry, necessary to
maintain an in-depth understanding of the activities in all of the
research areas of the project.
The post is available from 1st June 2005 and an appointment will be made
as soon as possible after this date. The appointment will be for a fixed
term of five years, and will be subject to a probationary period of
twelve months.
Informal enquiries should be made in the first instance to Professor
Mike Denham, Centre for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience,
University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, UK; tel: +44
(0)1752 232547; email: mdenham at, from whom further details are
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