No subject
Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006
Large-Scale Dynamics of the Visual Cortex", will be given by Prof.
Michael Shelley (Courant Institute, New York), in Barcelona, within
the Ph. D. Program of Applied Mathematics of the Technical University
of Catalonia. This program has a so-called "Quality Mention", so the
Ph.D. students can apply to get grants from the Spanish Ministery of
Education and Science.
For registering to the courses please contact Mrs.Carme Capdevila at
the PhD office at the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics of the UPC
at Carmec at or at the phone number: + 34 93 401 58 61.
This course is also part of a research program of the Centre de
Recerca Matem?tica,, which can offer a
reduced number of accommodation grants for Ph. D. students interested
in the course. Please, fill in the application for lodging form. The
deadline for sending applications is December 15.
We will be grateful if you can spread this anouncement.
Amadeu Delshams
Toni Guillamon
Department of Applied Mathematics I
Technical University of Catalonia, UPC, Barcelona
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