[repost] extended deadline for ICML/COLT session on kernel methods

Arthur Gretton arthur at tuebingen.mpg.de
Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006

[ This message is reposted due to an editing error.  Apologies.  -- moderator ]

                 IMPROMPTU KERNEL PAPERS -- COLT/ICML 2004
                     Kernel Day, Banff, Canada, July 4
                Extended Deadline for Submissions: June 25, 2004

There remain some slots free in the impromptu poster session on kernel
methods, to be held during the kernel day at ICML/COLT on 4 July 2004.
As in previous years, we are looking for incomplete or unusual ideas, as
well as promising directions or problems for new research. If you would
like to submit to this session, please send an abstract to Arthur
Gretton (arthur at tuebingen.mpg.de) before June 25, 2004. Please do not
send posters or long documents.

Arthur Gretton

Mobile : +49 1762 3210867      MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Office : +49 7071 601562       Spemannstr 38, 72076
Home   : +49 7071 305346       Tuebingen, Germany

I used to believe I was a Bayesian, but now I'm not so sure.

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