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Kelley, Troy (Civ,ARL/HRED)
tkelley at
Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006
The Army Research Laboratory's (ARL) Human Research and Engineering
Directorate (HRED) is seeking post-doctoral researchers to join us in a
variety of areas, particularly modeling human cognitive processes using
current architectures such as the Atomic Components of Thought-Rational
(ACT-R), cognitive modeling using high performance computer assets, and
developing new cognitive processes for robotic agents. We have
post-doctoral positions available through the National Research Council
(NRC) and American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). The NRC
positions have open windows for applications, the soonest being February
2nd. The ASEE positions are open on an continuing basis. A background in
cognitive psychology, computational cognitive models, and/or in neural
networks or artificial intelligence (AI) is required.=20
Post-doctoral positions usually last a year, with an option of an extra
year. Many post-doctoral candidates eventually become employees with
ARL HRED is located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, in Northern Maryland
between Baltimore and Philadelphia on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay.
We are midway between Maryland's Appalachian mountains and the ocean
Please contact Troy Kelley or Laurel Allender if you are interested in
learning more about these research opportunities. There is a deadline
for NRC post docs of Feb 2, so if you are interested, please respond
tkelley at
lallende at
Troy Kelley=20
U.S. Army Research Laboratory=20
Human Research and Engineering Directorate=20
AMSRL-HR-SE, APG, MD 21005=20
Tel: 410-278-5859=20
Fax: 410-278-9694=20
email: tkelley at
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