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Anthony BURKITT aburkitt at
Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006

The following paper on neuronal gain in the leaky integrate-and-fire
neuron with conductance synapses has been published by Biological
Cybernetics and is now available online:

"Study of neuronal gain in a conductance-based leaky integrate-and-fire 
neuron model with balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input"

A. N. Burkitt, H. Meffin, and D. B. Grayden

Neurons receive a continual stream of excitatory and inhibitory
synaptic inputs.  A conductance-based neuron model is used to
investigate how the balanced component of this input modulates the
amplitude of neuronal responses.  The output spiking-rate is
well-described by a formula involving three parameters: the mean $\mu$
and variance $\sigma$ of the membrane potential and the effective
membrane time constant $\tau_{\mbox{\tiny Q}}$.  This expression shows
that, for sufficiently small $\tau_{\mbox{\tiny Q}}$, the level of
balanced excitatory-inhibitory input has a non-linear modulatory
effect on the neuronal gain.

A copy is also available from my web page:

Tony Burkitt
Anthony N. Burkitt
The Bionic Ear Institute                 
384-388 Albert Street
East Melbourne, VIC 3002

Email:  a.burkitt at      
Phone: +61 - 3 - 9663 4453
Fax:   +61 - 3 - 9667 7518                                             

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