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Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006
neurons 67
R. Segev and E. Ben-Jacob
Application of biological learning theories to
mobile robot avoidance and approach behaviors 79
C. Chang and P. Gaudiano
The dynamics of specialization and generalization
within biological populations 115
A. J. Spencer, I. D. Couzin and N. R. Franks
Representations of informational properties for complex systems
C. Joslyn and G. de Cooman
Optimal control of singular motion
H. Nosaka, K. Tsuji and A. Hubler
Social sand piles: purposive agents and self organized criticality
S. E. Page, H. Ishii and W. Yi
Synchronization in an array of population dynamic systems
D. Postnov, A. Balanov and E. Mosekilde
Dynamics of retinal ganglion cells modeled with hardware coupled
nonlinear oscillators
A. W. Przybyszewski, P. S. Linsay, P. Gaudiano and C.M. Wilson
Collective choice and mutual knowledge structure
D. Richards, B. D. McKay and W. A. Richards
Random walks, fractals and the origins of rainforest diversity
Ricard V. Sole and D. Alonso
Language learning and language contact
L. Steels
Electrodynamical model of quasi-efficient financial market
K. N. Illinski and A. S. Stepanenko
Adaptive agent-driven routing and load balancing in
communication networks
M. Heusse, D. Snyers, S. Guerin and P. Kuntz
On-off intermittency and riddled basins of attraction in a coupled
map system
J. Laugesen, E. Mosekilde, Yu. L. Maistrenko and V.L. Maistrenko
The Journal of Complex Systems is a new journal, published by
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The Journal of Complex Systems aims to provide a medium of
communication for multidisciplinary approaches, either empirical
or theoretical, to the study of complex systems in such diverse
fields as biology, physics, engineering, economics, cognitive
science and social sciences, so as to promote the cross-
fertilization of ideas among all the scientific disciplines
having to deal with their own complex systems. By complex system,
it is meant a system comprised of a (usually large) number of
(usually strongly) interacting entities, processes, or agents, the
understanding of which requires the development, or the use of,
new scientific tools, nonlinear models, out-of equilibrium
descriptions and computer simulations. Understanding the behavior
of the whole from the behavior of its constituent units is a
recurring theme in modern science, and is the central topic of the
Journal of Complex Systems.
Papers suitable for publication in the Journal of Complex Systems
should deal with complex systems, from an empirical or theoretical
viewpoint, or both, in biology, physics, engineering, economics,
cognitive science and social sciences. This list is not exhaustive.
Papers should have a cross-disciplinary approach or perspective, and
have a significant scientific and technical content.
Eric Bonabeau (Editor-in-Chief), Santa Fe Institute, USA
Yaneer Bar-Yam, NECSI, USA
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Jean-Louis Dessalles, Telecom Paris, France
Nigel R. Franks, University of Bath, UK
Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
Paolo Gaudiano, Boston University, USA
Alfred Hubler, University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign, USA
Cliff Joslyn, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Alan Kirman, GREQAM EHESS, France
Erik Mosekilde, The Technical University of Denmark
Avidan U. Neumann, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Scott Page, University of Iowa, USA
Diana Richards, University of Minnesota, USA
Frank Schweitzer, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
Ricard V. Sole,Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Spain
Peter Stadler, University of Vienna, Austria
Luc Steels, Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Guy Theraulaz, Paul Sabatier University, France
Andreas Wagner, Santa Fe Institute, USA
Gerard Weisbuch, Ecole Normale Superieure, France
David H. Wolpert, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Yi-Cheng Zhang, Universite de Fribourg, Switzerland
Original papers can be submitted as regular papers or as letters.
Regular papers report detailed results, whereas letters are short
communications, not exceeding 3000 words, that report important new
results. Ideally, regular papers should contain between 3000 and
12000 words, but the editors may consider the publication of shorter
or longer papers if necessary. Short reviews and tutorials will also be
considered. Please contact the Editor-in-Chief (bonabeau at
before embarking on a review or tutorial.
It is extremely important that papers contain a sufficiently long
introduction accessible to a wide readership, and that results be put
in broader perspective in the conclusion. However, the main body of a
paper should not have a low technical content under the pretext that
the journal is multi-disciplinary.
The submission of a manuscript will be taken to imply that thematerial
is original and has not been and will not be (unless not accepted in
the Journal of Complex Systems) submitted in equivalent form for
publication elsewhere.
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the manuscript.
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( Authors using word processors should
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when the paper is accepted for publication.
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4 issues yearly.
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