No subject

Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006

of pattern processing and classification systems which can be trained to
forecast problems in pregnancy. These systems will be designed to accept
a variety of data formats from project partners throughout the EC, and
will be tuned to provide optimum performance for the particular medical
task. In neural net terms, such obstetrical problems are similar to
financial problems of credit risk prediction.

Many leading European obstetrical centers are involved in this project
and close collaboration with a number of these will be an essential
component of the post offered.

The CEC grant to QAMC is likely to be for three years. The post offered
would therefore be for one year in the first instance, with the likelihood
of renewal up to a maximum of three years, subject to satisfactory
performance. The person appointed will work principally in Cambridge
and should have already had considerable experience with Neural Networks,
ideally up to PhD level. A medical qualification would be desirable, but
this is by no means essential. The gross salary will depend on age
but the present scale (subject to review) lies within the range of
12828 - 18855 UKP per year.

Interviews are likely to be held in Cambridge on 31 August 1994.
Closing date for applications is 18 August 94.

Further particulars may be obtained from and application forms should
be sent to:

Dr Kevin Dalton PhD FRCOG               OR   Dr Richard Prager
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology           Dept of Engineering
Rosie Maternity Hospital                     Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 2SW                            Cambridge CB2 1PZ
UK                                           UK

Phone 44 223 410250                          44 223 332771
FaX   44 223 336873                          44 223 332662

Email  kjd5 at                    rwp at

---------------------- JOB  JOB  JOB  JOB -------------------------

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