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Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006
L. Bernard Widrow, Stanford University - SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1994, 8 AM-12 PM
Adaptive Filters, Adaptive Controls,
Adaptive Neural Networks, and Applications
M. Gail Carpenter, Boston University - SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1994, 8 AM-12 PM
Adaptive Resonance Theory
N. Takeshi Yamakawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology - SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1994,
6-10 PM
What are the Differences and the Similarities Among Fuzzy, Neural, and Chaotic
O. Stephen Grossberg, Boston University - SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1994, 1-5 PM
Autonomous Neurodynamics: From Perception to Action
P. Lee Giles, NEC Research Institute - SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1994, 8 AM-12 PM
Dynamically-Driven Recurrent Neural Networks: Models, Training Algorithms, and
Q. Alianna Maren, Accurate Automation Corporation - SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1994, 1-5
Introduction to Neural Network Applications
R. David Casasent, Carnegie Mellon University - SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1994, 8 AM-12
Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
S. Per Bak, Brookhaven National Laboratory - SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1994, 1-5 PM
Introduction to Self-Organized Criticality
T. Melanie Mitchell, Sante Fe Institute - SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1994, 8 AM-12 PM
Genetic Algorithms, Theory and Applications
U. Lotfi A. Zadeh, University of California, Berkeley - SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1994,
1-5 PM
Fuzzy Logic and Calculi of Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Graphs
V. Nikolay G. Rambidi, International Research Institute for Management Sciences
- SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1994, 6-10 PM
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Based on Molecular Neural Networks
1. Tuesday, June 7, 1994, 6-7 PM
Lotfi A. Zadeh, University of California, Berkeley
"Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Soft Computing"
2. Tuesday, June 7, 1994, 7-8 PM
Per Bak, Brookhaven National Laboratory
"Introduction to Self-Organized Criticality"
3. Wednesday, June 8, 1994, 6-7 PM
Bernard Widrow, Stanford University
"Adaptive Inverse Control"
4. Wednesday, June 8, 1994, 7-8 PM
Melanie Mitchell, Sante Fe Institute
"Genetic Algorithms: Why They Work and What They Can Do For You"
5. Thursday, June 9, 1994, 6-7 PM
Paul Werbos, US National Science Foundation
"Brain-Like Intelligence in Artificial Models: How Do We Really Get There?"
6. Thursday, June 9, 1994, 7-8 PM
John Taylor, King's College London
"Capturing What It Is Like to Be: Modelling the Mind with Neural Networks"
Special Session 1:
"Biomedical Applications of Neural Networks"
Tuesday, June 7, 1994
Co-sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S.
NIH; the Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, U.S. NIH; and
the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug
David G, Brown, PhD
Center for Devices and Radiological Health, FDA
John Weinstein, MD, PhD
National Cancer Institute, NIH
This special session will focus on recent progress in applying neural networks
to biomedical problems, both in the research laboratory and in the clinical
environment. Applications moving toward early commercial implementation will be
highlighted, and working demonstrations will be given. The track will commence
with an overview session including invited presentations by Dr. John Weinstein,
NCI, NIH on the present status of biomedical applications research and by his
co-session chair Professor Shiro Usui, Toyohasi University on biomedical
applications in Japan. A second morning session, chaired by Dr. Harry B. Burke,
MD, PhD, University of Nevada and by Dr. Judith Dayhoff, PhD, University of
Maryland, University of Maryland, will address neural networks for prediction
and other nonimaging applications. The afternoon session, chaired by Dr.
Maryellen L, Giger, PhD, University of Chicago, and Dr. Laurie J. Mango,
Neuromedical Systems, Inc., will cover biomedical image analysis/image
understanding applications. The final session, chaired by Dr. David G. Brown,
PhD, CDRH, FDA is an interactive panel/audience discussion of the promise and
pitfalls of neural network biomedical applications. Other prominent invited
speakers include Dr. Nozomu Hoshimiya of Tohoku University and Dr. Michael
O'Neill of the University of Maryland. Submission of oral and/or poster
presentations are welcomed to complement the invited presentations.
Special Session 2:
"Commercial and Industrial Applications of Neural Networks"
Tuesday, June 7, 1994
Co-sponsored by the Society for Manufacturing Engineers
Overall Chair: Bernard Widrow, Stanford University
This special session will be divided into four sessions of invited talks and
will place its emphasis on commercial and industrial applications working 24
hours a day and making money for their users. The sessions will be organized as
Morning Session 1
"Practical Applications of Neural Hardware"
Chair: Dan Hammerstrom, Adaptive Solutions, Portland, Oregon, USA
Morning Session 2
"Applications of Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition and Prediction"
Chair: Kenneth Marko, Ford Motor Company
Afternoon Session 1
"Applications of Neural Networks in the Financial Industry"
Chair: Ken Otwell, BehavHeuristics, College Park, Maryland, USA
Afternoon Session 2
"Applications of Neural Networks on Process Control and Manufacturing"
Chair: Tariq Samad, Honeywell
Special Session 3:
"Financial and Economic Applications of Neural Networks"
Wednesday, June 8, 1994
Chair: Guido J. Deboeck, World Bank
This special session will focus on the state-of the-art in financial and
economic applications. The track will be split into four sessions:
Morning Session 1
Overview on Major Financial Applications of Neural Networks and Related Advanced
Morning Session 2
Presentation of Papers: Time-Series, Forecasting, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy
Logic, Non-Linear Dynamics
Afternoon Session 1
Product Presentations
Afternoon Session 2
Panel discussion on "Cost and Benefits of Advanced Technologies in Finance"
Invited speakers to be announced. Papers submitted to regular sessions may
receive consideration for this special session.
Special Session 4:
"Neural Networks in Chemical Engineering"
Thursday, June 9, 1994
Co-sponsored by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Chair: Thomas McAvoy, University of Maryland
This special session on neural networks in the chemical process industries will
explore applications to all areas of the process industries including process
modelling, both steady state and dynamic, process control, fault detection, soft
sensing, sensor validation, and business examples. Contributions from both
industry and academia are being solicited.
Special Session 5:
"Mind, Brain and Consciousness"
Thursday, June 9, 1994
Session Chair: John Taylor, King's College London
Session Co-chair: Walter Freeman, University of California, Berkeley
Session Committee: Stephen Grossberg, Boston University and Gerhardt Roth,
Brain Research Institute
Invited Speakers include S. Grossberg, P. Werbos, G. Roth, B. Libet, J. Taylor
Consciousness and inner experience have suddenly emerged as the centre of
activity in psychology, philosophy, and neurobiology. Neural modelling is
preceding apace in this subject. Contributors from all areas are now coming
together to move rapidly towards a solution of what might be regarded as one of
the deepest problems of human existence. Neural models, and their constraints,
will be presented in the session, with an assessment of how far we are from
building a machine that can see the world the way we do.
INNS Special Interest Groups have been established for interaction between
individuals with interests in various subfields of neural networks as well as
within geographic areas. Several SIGs have tentatively planned sessions for
Wednesday, June 8, 1994 from 8 - 9:30 PM:
Automatic Target Recognition - Brian Telfer, Chair
A U.S Civilian Neurocomputing Initiative - Andras Pellionisz, Chair
Control, Robotics, and Automation - Kaveh Ashenayi, Chair
Electronics/VLSI - Ralph Castain, Chair
Higher Level Cognitive Processes - John Barnden, Chair
Hybrid Intelligence - Larry Medsker, Chair
Mental Function and Dysfunction - Daniel Levine, Chair
Midwest US Area - Cihan Dagli, Chair
Power Engineering - Dejan Sobajic, Chair
NEW in '94!
The State-of-the-Art in Advanced Technological Applications
MONDAY JUNE 6, 1994 - 8 AM to 9 PM
* Dedicated to Currently Available Commercial Applications of Neural Nets &
Related Technologies
* Commercial Hardware and Software Product Demos
* Poster Presentations
* Panel Conclusions Led by Industry Experts
* Funding Panel
EXPOSITION CHAIR -- Takeshi Yamakawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Dan Hammerstrom, PhD, Adaptive Solutions, Inc.
Takeshi Yamakawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Robert Pap, Accurate Automation Corporation
Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielsen, HNC, Inc.
Casimir C. Klimasauskas, Co-founder, NeuralWare, Inc.
John Sutherland, Chairman and VP Research, AND America, Ltd.
Soo-Young Lee, KAIST
Asain Liaison
Pierre Martineau, Martineau and Associates
European Liaison
with $1500 GRAND PRIZE
chaired by Bernard Widrow, Harold Szu, and Lotfi Zadeh
with a panel of distinguished judges!
Morning Session: Hardware
8-11 AM Product Demonstration Area and Poster Presentations
11 AM-12 PM Panel Conclusion
Afternoon Session: Software
1-4 PM Product Demonstration Area and Poster Presentations
4-5 PM Panel Conclusion
Evening Session
6-8 PM Neural Network Contest
8-9 PM Funding Panel
HOW TO PARTICIPATE: To demonstrate your hardware or software product contact
James J. Wesolowski, 202-466-4667; (fax) 202-466-2888. For more information on
the neural network contest, indicate your interest on the registration form.
Further information and contest rules will be sent to all interested parties!
Deadline for contest registration is March 1, 1994.
FEES at WCNN 1994
REGISTRATION FEE (includes all sessions, plenaries, proceedings, reception, and
Industrial Exposition. Separate registration for Short Courses.)
- INNS Members: US$195 - US$395
- Non Members: US$295 - US$495
- Full Time Students: US$85 - US$135
- Spouse/Guest: US$35 - US$55
SHORT COURSE FEE (Pay for 2 short courses, get the third FREE)
- INNS Members: US$225 - US$275
- Non Members: US$275 - US$325
- Full Time Students: US$125 - US$150
CONFERENCE HOTEL: Town and Country Hotel (same site as conference)
- Single: US$70 - US$95
- Double: US$80 - US$105
TRAVEL RESERVATIONS: Executive Travel Associates (ETA) has been selected the
official travel company for the World Congress on Neural Networks. ETA offers
the lowest available fares on any airline at time of booking when you contact
them at US phone number 202-828-3501 or toll free (in the US) at 800-562-0189
and identify yourself as a participant n the Congress. Flights booked on
American Airlines, the official airline for this meeting, will result in an
additional discount. Please provide the booking agent you use with the code:
Star #S0464FS
International Neural Network Society
1250 24th Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20037 USA
phone: 202-466-4667
fax: 202-466-2888
e-mail: 70712.3265 at
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