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Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006
cutting across traditional disciplines.
This conference seeks to bring together researchers from
the Australasian region who are actively involved in
research in Complex systems for creative discussion, and
to provide an introduction to specialised topics for
people seeking to know further about the theoretical
and practical aspects of research in Complex systems.
The theme of the conference "Mechanism of Adaptation in
Natural, Man Made and Mathematical Systems", invites us to
investigate and question the dynamic processes in complex
systems, and to compare our overall modelling processes
of natural systems. Processes such as evolution,
growth and learning are being investigated through genetic
algorithms, evolutionary programming and neural networks.
How well do these techniques perform and to what extent
do the fit an evolutionary paradigm. It also raises the
underlying question: "How does order arise in complex
Original papers concerned with both theory and application
are solicited. The areas of interest include,
but are not limited to the following:
* Natural and Artificial Life
* Genetic algorithms
* Fractals, Chaos and Non-linear Dynamics
* Self-organisation
* Information and Control Systems
* Neural Networks
* Parallel and Emergent Computation.
* Bio-Complexity
Second Circular Jan 31, 1994
Third Circular Feb 14, 1994
Submission of Abstracts: Mar 14, 1994
Notification of Acceptance: May 16, 1994
Receipt of Camera-ready papers: Jul 25, 1994
The conference will open with advance registration and a
barbecue party on Sunday 25th September.
The conference fee of $285 ($130 students) will include
morning & afternoon teas and lunch on each day, the
opening barbecue, and the conference dinner.
Accommodation will be available on campus at the
University Residential College and at nearby motels within
walking distance of the University. The conference dinner
is to be held on Tuesday 27th September.
It is planned to hold one or more introductory tutorials
on selected topics in complex systems on Sunday 25th
September. The aim of these tutorials will be to
introduce participants to fundamental concepts in complex
systems and to provide them with practical experience.
Tentatively the topics covered will include genetic
algorithms, cellular automata, chaos, and fractals. The
exact content will depend on demand. If interested in
attending please indicate your preferences on the attached
expression of interest. The number of places will be
strictly limited by facilities available.
On Wednesday advanced workshops may be held on specialised
topics if there is sufficient interest.
Suggestions/offers for advanced workshop topics are
There will be an additional fee for attendance at the
tutorials and workshops, which will include lunch and
Intending authors are requested to submit an extended
abstract of about 500 words, containing a clear, concise
statement of the significant results of the work. Each
abstract will be assessed by two referees. All accepted
papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Individual authors may be allocated to either an oral or
poster presentation, but contributions in both formats
will appear identically in the proceedings. Copies of the
proceedings will be provided to participants at the
conference in hardcopy form.
LaTeX style files and other formating options will be
provided to authors of accepted papers.
Conference Chairperson: Assoc Prof. Russel Stonier,
Department of Mathematics and Computing University of
Central Queensland Rockhampton Mail Centre 4702 QLD
Australia. Tel. +61 79 309487 Fax: +61 79 309729 Email:
complex at
Technical Chairperson: Dr Xing Huo Yu, Department of
Mathematics and Computing University of Central Queensland
Rockhampton Mail Centre 4702 QLD Australia. Tel. +61 79
309865 Fax: +61 79 309729 Email: complex at
Prof. J. Diederich, Queensland University of Technology;
Prof. A.C. Tsoi, University of Queensland;
Dr D. Green, Australian National University;
Dr T. Bossomaier, Australian National University;
Mr S. Smith, University of Central Queensland.
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Second Australian National Conference on Complex Systems
NAME: ______________________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________
TEL: /FAX: ________________________________________
E-MAIL: _________________________________________
[ ] I am interested in attending COMPLEX'94.
Please send me a registration form.
[ ] I am interested in PRESENTING A PAPER and/or POSTER.
Tentative title:
[ ] I am interested in ATTENDING A TUTORIAL.
Preferences: Genetic Algorithms ______
Cellular Automata ______
Chaos Theory ______
Fractals ______
Distributed Programming ______
Other (specify) ______________________________
[ ] I am interested in attending an advanced WORKSHOP.
[ ] I am UNABLE TO ATTEND the conference but would like
to be kept informed.
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