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Goss Simon
sgoss at
Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006
Subject European Conference on Artificial Life (Brussels)
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 11:15:07 MET
Dear ECAL Participant,
(This is an e-mail copy of a letter we're sending by post,
and therefore does not include maps).
Please find enclosed the programme for ECAL '93, as
well as maps and instructions on how to get to the hotels
and the conference site.
You are all invited to an informal "Welcome to ECAL"
drink/check-in session, at the Falstaff cafe, Sunday May
23rd, from 8-10 in the evening. The Falstaff is near La
Bourse, at the centre of Bruxelles (see enclosed
If all goes as planned, those of you who reserved
their hotel room through us should find a copy of the
informal proceedings either waiting for them in their
rooms or at the reception desk. Those of you who have
made separate arrangements will receive their proceedings
either at the Falstaff or at the conference check-in on
Monday morning.
We hope all goes well with your travel arrangements,
and look forward to seeing you at the Falstaff.
Yours sincerely
Simon Goss (for the organising committee)
Program ECAL
MONDAY May 24th
09.00 - Inauguration
09.15 - F. Varela : "Organism : a meshwork of selfless selves"
09.45 - G. Nicolis : "Non linear physics and the evolution of complex systems"
10.15 - Coffee
Aspects of Autonomous Behaviour
10.30 - M. Tilden
"Robot jurassic park : primitives to predators"
11.10 - S. Nolfi, D. Parisi
"Auto-teaching : networks that develop their own teaching inputs"
11.40 - B. Webb
"Modelling biological behaviour or 'dumb animals and stupid robots'"
12.10 - Lunch
Patterns & Rhythms
10.40 - E. Presnov, Z. Agur
"Origin and breakdown of synchrony of the cell cycles in early development"
11.10 - A. Hjemfelt, F.W. Schneider, J. Ross
"Parallel computation in coupled chemical kinetic systems"
11.40 - P. de Kepper, P. Rudovics, J.J. Perraud, E. Dulos
"Experiments on Turing structures"
12.20 - M. Braune, H. Engel
"Light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction - a suitable tool for studies of
nonlinear wave dynamics in active media"
12.50 - V.S. Zykov, S.C. Muller
"Boundary layer kinematical model of autowave patterns in a two-component
reaction-diffusion system"
13.20 - Lunch
Aspects of Autonomous Behaviour continued
14.20 - H. Hendriks-Jansen
"Natural kinds, autonomous robots and history of use"
14.50 - R. Pfeifer
"Studying emotions : fungus eaters"
15.20 - J.C. Rutkowska
"Ontogenetic constraints on scaling-up sensory-motor systems"
15.50 - G. Deffuant, E. Monneret
"Morphodynamic networks : the example of adaptive fibres"
16.20 - Coffee
Patterns and Rhythms continued
14.20 - J. Kosek, P. Pinkas, M. Marek
"Spatiotemporal patterns in cyclic arrays with and without time delay"
14.50 - J.J. Perraud
"The early years of excitable media from electro-physiology to physical
15.20 - D. Thieffry, R. Thomas
"Logical synthesis of regulatory models"
15.50 - E. Av-Ron, H. Parnas, L.A. Segel
"Modelling bursting neurons of the Lobster cardiac network"
16.20 - Coffee
Evolutionary Mechanisms
16.50 - T. Ray
"Evolution and ecology of digital organisms"
17.30 - R. Hightower, S. Forrest, A.S. Perelson
"The evolution of secondary organization in immune system gene libraries"
18.00 - R. Davidge
"Looping as a means to survival : playing Russian Roulette in a harsh
Patterns and Rhythms Continued
17.00 - G.R. Welch
"The computational machinery of the living cell"
17.30 - S. Douady, Y. Couder
A physical investigation of the iterative process of botanical growth"
18.00 - V. Gundlach, L. Demetrius
"Mutation and selection in non linear growth processes"
18.30 - Beer and Sandwiches
19.30 - C. Langton Title to be communicated
20.10 - D. Lestel, L. Bec, J.-L. Lemoigne
"Visible characteristics of living systems: esthetics and artificial life"
20.40 - Discussion on philosophical issues.
22.00 - Close
TUESDAY May 25th
Origins of life & molecular evolution
09.00 - P. Schuster
"Sequences and shapes of biopolymers"
09.40 - P.L. Luisi, P.A. Vonmont-Bachmann, M. Fresta
"Chemical autopoiesis : Self-replicating micelles and vesicles"
10.10 - C. Biebricher
"Requirements for template activity of RNA in RNA replication"
10.50 - Coffee
11.10 - M.A. Huynen, P. Hogeweg
"Evolutionary dynamics and the relation between RNA structure and RNA
11.40 - W. Fontana
"Constructive dynamical systems"
12.20 - Lunch
Dynamics of Human Societies
09.00 - B. Huberman, N.S. Glance
"Social dilemnas and fluid organizations"
09.40 - T.A. Brown
"Political life on a lattice"
10.10 - A. Meier-Koll, E. Bohl
"Time-structure analysis in a village community of Columbian Indians"
10.40 - Coffee
Multi-Robot Systems
11.10 - R. Beckers, J.L. Deneubourg, S. Goss, R. King
"Self-organised groups of interacting Robots"
11.40 - C. Numaoka
"Collective alteration of strategic type"
12.10 - S. Rasmussen
"Engineering based on self-organisation"
12.40 - T. Shibata, T. Fukuda
"Coordinative balancing in evolutionary multi-agent-robot System using genetic
13.10 - Lunch
14.00 - 18.00 Poster & Demonstration Session (Robots, Videos,
Chemical reactions, ...)
14.10 - A. Collie "A tele-operated robot with local autonomy"
14.40 - F. Hess "Moving sound creatures"
16.00 - Coffee
18.00 - Talk by Professor I. Prigogine
18.45 - Cocktail
20.00 - Banquet
Collective Intelligence
09.00 - N.R. Franks
"Limited rationality in the organization of societies of ants, robots and men"
09.40 - B. Corbara, A. Drogoul, D. Fresneau, S. Lalande
"Simulating the sociogenesis process in ant colonies with manta"
10.10 - J.L. Deneubourg
"In search of simplicity"
10.40 - Coffee
11.10 - L. Edelstein Keshet
"Trail following as an adaptable mechanism for population behaviour"
11.40 - I. Chase
"Hierarchies in animal and human societies"
12.10 - H. Gutowitz
"Complexity-seeking ants"
12.40 - Lunch
Sensory and Motor Activity
09.00 - H. Cruse, G. Cymbalyuk, J. Dean
"A walking machine using coordinating mechanisms of three different animals :
stick insect, cray fish and cat"
09.40 - D.E. Brunn, J. Dean, J. Schmitz
"Simple rules governing leg placement by the stick insect during walking"
10.10 - D. Cliff, P. Husbands, I. Harvey
"Analysis of evolved sensory-motor controllers"
10.40 - Coffee
Ecosystems & Evolution
11.00 - M. Nowak
"Evolutionary and spatial dynamics of the prisoner's dilemma"
11.40 - K. Lindgren, M.G. Nordahl
"Evolutionary dynamics of spatial games"
12.10 - P.M. Todd
"Artificial death"
12.40 - G. Weisbuch, G. Duchateau
"Emergence of mutualism : application of a differential model to endosymbiosis"
13.10 - Lunch
Collective Intelligence continued
14.20 - M.J. Mataric, M.J. Marjanovic
"Synthesizing complex behaviors by composing simple primitives"
14.50 - O. Miramontes, R.V. Sole, B.C. Goodwin
"Antichaos in ants : the excitability metaphor at two hierarchical levels"
15.20 - S. Camazine
"Collective intelligence in insect societies by means of self-organization"
16.00 - Coffee
16.30 - S. Focardi
"Dynamics of mammal groups"
17.00 - A. Stevens
Modelling and simulations of the gliding and aggregation of myxobacteria"
17.30 - O. Steinbock, F. Siegert, C.J. Weijer, S.C. Muller
"Rotating cell motion and wave propagation during the developmental cycle of
Ecosystems and Evolution continued
14.20 - S. Kauffman
Title to be communicated
14.50 - M. Bedau, A. Bahm
"The Evolution of diversity"
Theoretical Immunology
15.20 - J. Stewart
"The immune system : emergent self-assertion in an autonomous network"
15.50 - Coffee
16.20 - J. Urbain
"The dynamics of the immune response"
17.00 - Behn, K. Lippert, C. Muller, L. van Hemmen, B. Sulzer.
"Memory in the immune system : synergy of different strategies"
18.00 - Closing Remarks
20.00 - Epistemological Conference
(in french, open to the public, room 2215, Campus Solbosch)
"La Vie Artificielle : une Vie en dehors des Vivants. Utopie ou Realite?"
Intervenants : G. Nicolis, F. Varela, I. Stengers, J. De Rosnay.
22.00 - Close
Poster Session (Tuesday May 25th, 14.00 - 18.00)
Patterns & Rhythms
M. Colding-Jorgensen
"Chaotic signal processing in nerve cells"
M. Dumont, G. Cheron, E. Godaux
"Non-linear forecasting of cats eye movement time series"
M. Gomez-Gesteira, A. P. Munuzuri, V. P. Munuzuri, V. Perez-Villar
"Vortex drift induced by an electric field in excitable media"
I. Grabec
"Self-organization of formal neurons described by the second maximum entropy
A. Hunding
"Simulation of 3 dimensional turing patterns related to early biological
Lj. Kolar-Anic, Dj. Misljenovic, S. Anic
"Mechanism of the Bray-Liebhafsky reaction : effect of the reduction of iodate
ion by hydrogen peroxide"
V. Krinsky, K. Aglaze, L. Budriene, G. Ivanitsky, V. Shakhbazyan, M. Tsyganov
"Wave mechanisms of pattern formation in microbial populations"
J. Luck, H.B. Luck
"Can phyllotaxis be controlled by a cellular program ?"
E.D. Lumer, B.A. Huberman
"Binding hierarchies : a basis for dynamic perceptual grouping"
O.C. Martin, J.C. Letelier
"Hebbian neural networks which topographically self-organize"
J. Maselko
"Multiplicity of stationary patterns in an array of chemical oscillators"
A.S. Mikhailov, D. Meinkohn
"Self-motion in physico-chemical systems far from thermal equilibrium"
A.F. Munster, D. Snita, P. Hasal, M. Marek
"Spatial and spatiotemporal patterns in the ionic brusselator"
P. Pelce
"Geometrical dynamics for morphogenesis"
A. Wuensche
"Memory far from equilibrium"
Origins of Life & Molecular Evolution
Y. Almirantis, S. Papageorgiou
"Long or short range correlations in DNA sequences ?"
R. Costalat, J.-P. Morillon, J. Burger
"Effect of self-association on the stability of metabolic units"
J. Putnam
"A primordial soup environment"
Epistemological Issues
E.W. Bonabeau
"On the appeals and dangers of synthetic reductionism"
V. Calenbuhr
"Intelligence under the viewpoint of the concepts of complementary and
D. Mange
"Wetware as a bridge between computer engineering and biology"
B. Mc Mullin
"What is a universal constructor ?"
Aspects of Autonomous Behaviour
D. Cliff, S. Bullock
"Adding 'foveal vision' to Wilson's animat"
O. Holland, M. Snaith
"Generalization, world modelling, and optimal choice : improving reinforcement
learning in real robots"
J.J. Merelo, A. Moreno, A. Etxeberria
"Artificial organisms with adaptive sensors"
F. Mondada, P.F. Verschure
"Modelling system-environment interaction : the complementary roles of
simulation and real world artifacts"
C. Thornton
"Statistical factors in behaviour learning"
B. Yamauchi, R. Beer
"Escaping static and cyclic behaviour in autonomous agents"
N. Magome, Y. Yonezawa, K. Yoshikawa
"Self-excitable molecula-assembly towards the development of neuro-computer,
intelligent sensor and mechanochemical transducer"
Evolutionary Mechanisms
H. de Garis
"Evolving a replicator"
G. Kampis "Coevolution in the computer : the necessity and use of
distributed code systems"
Dynamics of Human Societies
S. Margarita, A. Beltratti
"Co-evolution of trading strategies in an on-screen stock market"
Multi-Robot Systems
A. Ali Cherif
"Collective behaviour for a micro-colony of robots"
S. Goss, J.-L. Deneubourg, R. Beckers, J.-L. Henrotte
"Recipes of collective movement"
T. Ueyama, T. Fukuda
"Structure organization of cellular robot based on genetic information"
Collective Intelligence
G. De Schutter, E. Nuyts
"Birds use self-organized social behaviours to regulate their daily dispersal
over wide areas : evidences from gull roosts"
M.M. Millonas
"Swarm field dynamics and functional morphogenesis"
Z. Penzes, I. Karsai
"Round shape combs produced by stigmergic scripts in social wasp"
P.-Y. Quenette
"Collective vigilance as an example of self-organisation : a precise study on
the wild boar (Sus scrofa)"
R.W. Schmieder
"A knowledge tracking algorithm for generating collective behaviour in
indivual-based populations"
T.R. Stickland, C.M.N. Tofts, N.R. Franks
"Algorithms & collective decisions in ants : information exchange, numbers of
individuals and search limits"
Sensory-Motor Activity
S. Giszter
"Modelling spinal organization of motor behaviors in the frog"
P. Grandguillaume
"A new model of visual processing based on space-time
coupling in the retina"
S. Mikami, H. Tano, Y. Kakazu
"An autonomous legged robot that learns to walk through simulated evolution"
U. Nehmzov, B. McGonigle
"Robot navigation by light"
Ecosystems & Evolution
G. Baier, J.S. Thomsen, E. Mosekilde
"Chaotic hierarchy in a model of competing populations"
D. Floreano
"Patterns of interactions in shared environments"
A. Garliauskas
"Theoretical and practical investigations of lake biopopulations"
T. Ikegami
"Ecology of evolutionary game strategies"
T. Kim, K. Stuber
"Patterns of cluster formation and evolutionary activity in evolving L-systems"
C.C. Maley
"The effect of dispersal on the evolution of artificial parasites"
B.V. Williams, D.G. Bounds
"Learning and evolution in populations of backprop networks"
Theoretical Immunology
N. Cerf
"Fixed point stability in idiotypic immune networks"
E. Muraille, M. Kauffman
"The role of antigen presentation for the TH1 versus TH2 immune response"
E. Vargas-Madrazo, J.C. Almagro, F. Lara-Ochoa, M.A. Jimenez-Montano
"Amino acids patterns in the recognition site of immunoglobulins"
How to get from the airport to your hotel
1. Taxi: this is by far the simplest and quickest, but
can cost 800-1200 BF ($25-$40).
2. Train link: there is a train station underneath the
airport terminal (Zaventem) which takes you to Brussels 3
times per hour (xx.09, xx.24 and xx.46, trip takes 20
min), and costs 80BF ($2). There are 3 stations at
Brussels, Nord, Central and Midi.
Bruxelles Nord is nearest Hotels President WTC, Palace,
and Vendome.
Bruxelles Central is nearest Hotels Atlas, Arcade Ste.
Catherine, Opera, Orion and Sabina.
Bruxelles Midi is nearest Hotel de Paris.
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