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Mon Jun 5 16:42:55 EDT 2006

Acquiring Verb Morphology in Children
and Connectionist Nets                                      201
     K. Plunkett, V. Marchman, and S.L. Knudsen

Parallel Mapping Circuitry in a Phonological Model          220
     D.S. Touretzky

A Modular Neural Network Model of Attentional
Requirements in Sequence Learning                           228
     P.G. Schyns

A Computational Model of Attentional Requirements
in Sequence Learning                                        236
     P.J. Jennings and S.W. Keele

Recall of Sequences of Items by a Neural Network            243
     S. Nolfi, D. Parisi, G. Vallar, and C. Burani

Binding, Episodic Short-Term Memory, and Selective
Attention, Or Why are PDP Models Poor
at Symbol Manipulation?                                     253
     R. Goebel

Analogical Retrieval Within a Hybrid 
Spreading-Activation Network                                265
     T.E. Lange, E.R. Melz, C.M. Wharton, and K.J. Holyoak

Appropriate Uses of Hybrid Systems                          277
     D.E. Rose

Cognitive Map Construction and Use:  A Parallel Distributed
Processing Approach                                         287
     R.L. Chrisley


Unsupervised Discovery of Speech Segments Using Recurrent
Networks                                                    303
     A. Doutiraux and D. Zipser

Feature Extraction Using an Unsupervised Neural Network     310
     N. Intrator

Motor Control for Speech Skills:  A Connectionist Approach  319
     R. Laboissiere, J-L. Schwartz, and G. Bailly

Extracting Features From Faces Using Compression Networks:
Face, Identity, Emotion, and Gender Recognition Using Holons328
     G.W. Cottrell

The Development of Topography and Ocular Dominance          338
     G.J. Goodhill

On Modeling Some Aspects of Higher Level Vision             350
     D. Bennett


Modeling Cortical Area 7a Using Stochastic
Real-Valued (SRV) Units                                     363
     V. Gullapalli

Neuronal Signal Strength is Enhanced by Rhythmic Firing     369
     A. Heirich and C. Koch


An Analog VLSI Neural Network Cocktail Party Processor      379
     A. Heirich, S. Watkins, M. Alston, P. Chau

A VLSI Neural Network with On-Chip Learning                 387
     S.P. Day and D.S. Camporese

Index                                                       401


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