Connectionists: Post-doctoral position, Computer Vision Lab, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Pascal Fua
pascal.fua at
Mon Jul 17 07:53:15 EDT 2006
- Previous message: Connectionists: Chair in ISIS Group, University of Southampton
- Next message: Connectionists: Call for Registration: Epigenetic Robotics 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Paris, France Sixth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems website: contact information: Location: Hopital de la Salpêtrière, Paris, France REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN on early registration fees are available until July, 31 Confirmed invited speakers 2006 Karen Adolph (Psychology Dpt, New York University, USA) Andrew Barto (Computer Science Dpt, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) Philippe Rochat (Psychology Dpt, University of Emory, USA) Gregor Schoener (Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Germany) Bruno Wicker (Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives de la Mediterranée, France) Conference Themes In the past 5 years, the Epigenetic Robotics annual workshop has established itself as a unique place where original research combining developmental sciences, neuroscience, biology, and cognitive robotics and artificial intelligence is being presented. Epigenetic systems, either natural or artificial, share a prolonged developmental process through which varied and complex cognitive and perceptual structures emerge as a result of the interaction of an embodied system with a physical and social environment. Epigenetic robotics includes the two-fold goal of understanding biological systems by the interdisciplinary integration between social and engineering sciences and, simultaneously, that of enabling robots and artificial systems to develop skills for any particular environment instead of programming them for solving particular goals for the environment in which they happen to reside. Psychological theory and empirical evidence is being used to inform epigenetic robotic models, and these models should be used as theoretical tools to make experimental predictions in developmental psychology. This year we particularly encourage research resulting from actual interdisciplinary collaboration. Epigenetic Robotics themes include, but are not limited to: * The development of: emotion, imitation, synchrony processing, intersubjectivity, joint attention, intentionality, non-verbal and verbal communication, sensorimotor schemata, shared meaning and symbolic reference, social learning, social relationships, social cognition ("mind reading", "theory of mind"); * The scope and limits of maturation, the mechanisms of open-ended development; * The mechanisms of stage formation and stage transitions; * The epistemological foundations of using robots to study development; * The role of motivations, emotions, and value systems in development; * Interaction between innate structure, ongoing developing structure, and experience; * The interplay between embodiment, learning biases and environment; * The differences between learning and development; * Algorithms for self-supervision, autonomous exploration, representation making, and methods for evolving new representations during ontogeny; * Robots that can undergo morphological changes and how they can be used to study the interplay between cognitive and morphological development; Tutorials Two tutorials will be organized during the conference - "Featural processing of auditory and visual inputs for epigenetic robots " Christian Balkenius & Christopher G. Prince - "Development of imitation and emotion in human and robots: cross fertilization of research" Organized by Philippe Gaussier and Jacqueline Nadel Call for Registration: 6th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics
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Could you please post the following job advertisement on your mailing list?
Thanks in advance
Post-doctoral position, Computer Vision Lab, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
A one year, renewable for up to 4 years, post-doctoral position is
available at EPFL’s Computer Vision Laboratory, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Our laboratory ( focuses on object detection, 3D
shape reconstruction, and human body modeling from video sequences. We
provide unique expertise in combining geometric and statistical learning
techniques in a friendly environment.
Applicants are expected to have finished, or about to finish their Ph.D.
degrees, have strong mathematical background, have a track record of
publications in top computer vision conferences and journals, and have
strong programming skills. Possible topics include 3D detection of
object classes, vision for Augmented Reality, human body pose detection.
A suitable project will be chosen depending on the interests of the
EPFL is located next to Lake Geneva in a beautiful setting 60 kilometers
away from the city of Geneva. Post-doctoral salaries are in the range
CHF 70000 to 80000.
Interested applicants should send a resume to Pascal Fua
(pascal.fua at and Vincent Lepetit (vincent.lepetit at,
including a list of publications and the names of two or three people
that can be contacted to obtain references.
Prof. P. Fua (Pascal.Fua at
Tel: 41/21-693-7519 FAX: 41/21-693-7520
- Previous message: Connectionists: Chair in ISIS Group, University of Southampton
- Next message: Connectionists: Call for Registration: Epigenetic Robotics 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Paris, France Sixth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems website: contact information: Location: Hopital de la Salpêtrière, Paris, France REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN on early registration fees are available until July, 31 Confirmed invited speakers 2006 Karen Adolph (Psychology Dpt, New York University, USA) Andrew Barto (Computer Science Dpt, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) Philippe Rochat (Psychology Dpt, University of Emory, USA) Gregor Schoener (Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Germany) Bruno Wicker (Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives de la Mediterranée, France) Conference Themes In the past 5 years, the Epigenetic Robotics annual workshop has established itself as a unique place where original research combining developmental sciences, neuroscience, biology, and cognitive robotics and artificial intelligence is being presented. Epigenetic systems, either natural or artificial, share a prolonged developmental process through which varied and complex cognitive and perceptual structures emerge as a result of the interaction of an embodied system with a physical and social environment. Epigenetic robotics includes the two-fold goal of understanding biological systems by the interdisciplinary integration between social and engineering sciences and, simultaneously, that of enabling robots and artificial systems to develop skills for any particular environment instead of programming them for solving particular goals for the environment in which they happen to reside. Psychological theory and empirical evidence is being used to inform epigenetic robotic models, and these models should be used as theoretical tools to make experimental predictions in developmental psychology. This year we particularly encourage research resulting from actual interdisciplinary collaboration. Epigenetic Robotics themes include, but are not limited to: * The development of: emotion, imitation, synchrony processing, intersubjectivity, joint attention, intentionality, non-verbal and verbal communication, sensorimotor schemata, shared meaning and symbolic reference, social learning, social relationships, social cognition ("mind reading", "theory of mind"); * The scope and limits of maturation, the mechanisms of open-ended development; * The mechanisms of stage formation and stage transitions; * The epistemological foundations of using robots to study development; * The role of motivations, emotions, and value systems in development; * Interaction between innate structure, ongoing developing structure, and experience; * The interplay between embodiment, learning biases and environment; * The differences between learning and development; * Algorithms for self-supervision, autonomous exploration, representation making, and methods for evolving new representations during ontogeny; * Robots that can undergo morphological changes and how they can be used to study the interplay between cognitive and morphological development; Tutorials Two tutorials will be organized during the conference - "Featural processing of auditory and visual inputs for epigenetic robots " Christian Balkenius & Christopher G. Prince - "Development of imitation and emotion in human and robots: cross fertilization of research" Organized by Philippe Gaussier and Jacqueline Nadel Call for Registration: 6th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics
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