Connectionists: Post-doc postion on the neural basis of human spatial memory at UCL

Neil Burgess n.burgess at
Mon Jan 23 05:59:17 EST 2006

Postdoc research position on the neural basis of human spatial memory, 
at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience & Dept. of Anatomy,
(apologies for multiple posting)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research fellow to work on the 
neural representations spatial locations in virtual environments, with a 
particular focus on perspective taking. Work will include the use of virtual 
reality combined with fMRI in healthy volunteers and computational modelling. 
This research is part of the 'Wayfinding' project of the European Union. The 
post at UCL will involve development of spatial tasks and performance 
of fMRI experiments, and possible analysis of electrophysiological (EEG/MEG) 
data, cognitive psychology or computational modelling according to the 
development of the project and the interests of the research fellow. Relevant 
research experience and knowledge of spatial memory, and experience of MatLab 
or virtual reality programming would be desirable. The position is available 
from 1 April 2006 for 2 years, starting salary £27,286 (inc. London Allowance). 

The Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience houses several world-class research 
groups and is located close to the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience 
and the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience unit.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to Professor Neil Burgess (email: 
n.burgess at For an outline of the lab’s research interests see:

The full application form can be found on
The closing date for applications is 20th February 2006

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