Connectionists: Invited speakers, tutorials, and deadlines for WAM-BAMM*06
james Bower
bower at
Wed Jan 4 12:58:22 EST 2006
**************** Deadline for paper submission: Jan 15th. *****************
(Student travel grants available)
The Second Annual
World Association of Modelers (WAM)
Biologically Accurate Modeling Meeting (BAMM)
Wam-bamm *06
March 23rd - March 25th
San Antonio, Texas
The paper submission deadline for WAM-BAMM*06 is Jan. 15th.
This is the second annual meeting devoted to the promotion and extension of
biologically accurate modeling and simulation. This year's meeting
will start with a pre-meeting on computational olfaction (March
22nd) which will include a special tribute to Wil Rall and Gordon
Shepherd on the 40th anniversary of the original publication of their
modeling work on dendro-dendritic inhibition in the olfactory bulb.
March 23rd will be devoted to tutorials built around issues in
realistic modeling. Currently scheduled tutorials include:
David Beeman, University of Colorado Boulder: Introduction to realistic
neural modeling
Michael Hines, Yale University: Large scale parallel network simulations
using NEURON
Dieter Jaeger, Emory University: How to make the best hand-tuned
single-cell model you can
Sharon Crook, Arizona State University, and others to be announced:
Workshop on XML standards for model specification
Upinder S. Bhalla, NCBS, Bangalore: Biochemical kinetics modeling with
Kinetikit and MOOSE.
Hugo Cornelis, UTHSCA: GENESIS simulations with hsolve
The main meeting will take place on March 24th and 25th. Currently
scheduled invited speakers include:
Gordon Shepherd (Yale University)
Wil Rall (NIH - retired)
Mike Hasselmo (Boston University)
Phil Ulinski (University of Chicago)
Upinder Bhalla (National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore India)
John Rinzel (New York University)
The meeting's primary objective is to promote communication and
collaboration between users and others involved in realistic biological
modeling and to also provide an introduction to other scientists interested
in realistic biological modeling. This year's meeting will feature a
pre-meeting (on March 22nd) focused on computation in the olfactory
system. (see for additional details).
Supplementary Travel Funds are available for students presenting
papers at the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you in old San 'antone.
Jim Bower
Dave Beeman
James M. Bower Ph.D.
Research Imaging Center
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX 78284-6240
Cajal Neuroscience Center
University of Texas San Antonio
Phone: 210 567 8080
Fax: 210 567 8152
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