Connectionists: Workshop "From Computational Cognitive Neuroscience to Computer Vision" at ICVS2007
Julien Vitay
jvita_01 at
Mon Dec 18 11:18:39 EST 2006
As part of the 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (
ICVS2007 <>) that will take place from March 21st to
24th 2007 in Bielefeld (Germany), we ask for contributions for the workshop:
*From Computational Cognitive Neuroscience to Computer Vision - CCNCV 2007*
*Description of the workshop*
This workshop aims to foster the transfer of knowledge from the area of
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience to Computer Vision. The seemingly
simplicity of visual perception has periodically attracted machine vision
scientists to build biologically inspired algorithms. Although such
biologically motivated algorithms have not revolutionized Computer Vision,
we believe that several reasons exist that motivate an ongoing exchange. In
the recent years there has been much progress in the understanding of brain
processes such as visual attention, object recognition, learning of complex
feature detectors, decision making and high level cognitive control, to name
a few. This work is yet often not suitable for real world applications, but
it might lead to new developments, and in the long run, to better algorithms
in machine vision.
*General topics*
We invite contributions from the area of Computational Cognitive
Neuroscience that relate to Computer Vision. The contribution should
emphasize those properties of neural models that potentially lead to
applications in Computer Vision. We do not expect that these applications
already exist.
*Submissions (format, styles, etc.)*
Abstracts of max 1 page (preferably PDF) should be submitted to
fhamker at The work should be novel but it can be already
published. The primary criterion of acceptance is the relevance for the
*Important Dates*
*Submission of abstracts:*
15th January 2007
*Notification of acceptance:*
2nd February 2007
*Camera ready paper: *
*Workshop on CCNCV:*
Is planned to take place on Wednesday, March, 21st (a detailed schedule will
be available here soon).
*Workshop organizers, contact and e-mail for paper submission*
*Fred Hamker *
Psychological Institute II
Otto Creutzfeldt Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience
Westf. Wilhelms-Universität Münster
E-mail: fhamker at
*Julien Vitay *
Psychological Institute II
Westf. Wilhelms-Universität Münster
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