Connectionists: Reminder: International Spring School on Computational Neurobiology in Shanghai

Prof. J. Feng jf218 at
Thu Dec 7 21:35:36 EST 2006

Dear All, 

The deadline is less than two weeks away.

the best


Computational Neurobiology  Spring School in Shanghai 
March 19th to 28th, 2007


The first International Spring School on Computational Neurobiology in 
Shanghai will be organized at the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for 
Computational Biology, Shanghai, PR China ( The 
school's speakers are listed below. Please, pass on this information to 
your interested colleagues and students.

The course lasts for ten days. Lectures will be given by distinguished 
experts on topics across the full breadth of experimental and theoretical 
neuroscience. The first few days of the course introduces students to 
essential neurobiological concepts and to the most important techniques in 
modeling single cells, networks, and neural systems. Each student will be 
assigned to a tutor. In the afternoon, students are given lectures, 
practical training in modeling, and time to accomplish their report. At the 
end of the course, students are expected to submit a report of five pages. 
The course is designed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral 
fellows in related disciplines. Students are expected to have a solid 
background in either (neuro)biology, mathematics, or computer science and, 
in addition, some basic knowledge in the other two fields as well as a keen 
interest in the subject matter. Students of any nationality can apply.

A maximum of 30 students will be accepted. The course is free, every 
student has to cover costs for lodging and meals which will be rather 
moderate. Applications including a CV and an outline of the applicant's 
motivation for participation must be submitted electronically through the 
web site and should be accompanied by two letters of recommendation (also 
sent electronically). Applications will be assessed by the scientific 
committee, with selection being based on the following criteria: the 
scientific quality of the candidate (CV), the letters, and evidence that 
the course affords substantial benefit to the candidate's training.

DEADLINE: Application BEFORE 20th Dec, 2006.

Speakers at the Spring School
1. Larry Abbott (Columbia, USA) 
2. Alexander Borst (Munich, Germany) 
3. Yang Dan (Berkeley, USA) 
4. Jianfeng Feng (Warwick, UK)
5. Juergen Jost (Leipzig, Germany) 
6. Konrad P Koerding (MIT, USA)
7. Wolfgang Maass (Graz, Austria) 
8. Hiroyuki Nakahara (RIKEN, Japan)
9. Miguel AL Nicolelis (Duke, USA) 
10. Mu-Ming Poo (Berkeley, USA)
11. Ning Qian (Columbia, USA) 
12. John Rinzel (New York, USA) 
13. Helge Ritter (Bielefeld, Germany) 
14. Xiao-jing Wang (Yale, USA)

Scientific Committee: Andreas Dress (Shanghai), Jianfeng Feng (Warwick), 
Juergen Jost (Leipzig), Mu-Ming Poo (Berkeley), Helge Ritter (Bielefeld)

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