Connectionists: 4th European School of Neuro-IT and Neuroengineering, ,
Marc de Kamps
dekamps at
Sun Apr 16 09:15:27 EDT 2006
4^th European School of Neuro-IT and Neuroengineering
*Dynamics, Computation and Learning in Neural Systems*
* *
June 13-17, 2006
The University of Genova <> (Department of
Biophysical and Electronic Engineering -- DIBE
<>, Department of Informatics, Sistems and
Telematics -- DIST <>, and the Faculty of
Engineering, curriculum on Bioengineering),
Doctorate school on Information Society and Technologies, University of
Genova (ITALY), PhD Program in Bioengineering,
Doctorate school on Humanoid Technologies, Italian Institute of
Technology (IIT), and University of Genova (ITALY), PhD Program in
Humanoid Technologies <> (EU network of excellence),
NEUROversIT (EU Marie Curie program)
*are organizing the fourth edition *
*of the European Summer School of Neuro-IT and Neuroengineering.
The school, named after Massimo Grattarola who initiated the series in
2000, will take place from June 13 to June 17, 2006 at the Faculty of
Engineering, University of Genoa in a beautiful historical building:
Villa Giustiniani-Cambiaso
The school is intended for junior and senior researchers and other
professionals (doctors, engineers, biologists and psychologists etc.)
working in these areas as well as for students attending faculties of
engineering, medicine, biology or psychology.
A total of 50 PhD students or postdocs will be admitted. Admissions will
be on first-come first-serve basis.
Organization and sponsorship
Neuro-IT (EU network of excellence)
NEUROversIT (EU Marie Curie program)
University of Genova
Scientific organizers:
Alois Knoll (München, Germany)
Marc de Kamps (München, Germany)
Andreas Engel (Hamburg, Germany)
Sergio Martinoia (Genova, Italy)
Giulio Sandini (Genova, Italy)
Vittorio Sanguineti (Genova, Italy)
The school will focus on a new and rapidly growing field -- the areas of
neuro-information technologies (Neuro-IT) and neuroengineering where
neuroscience, information technologies and robotics merge. The school
will be organized and partly funded by, and NEUROversIT, an
EU-funded Marie Curie program.
The 2006 edition of the school will specifically focuses on the
*/_dynamical, adaptive and computational properties of neural
systems_/*, seen as 'devices' that process information and can control
external devices. This includes neural prostheses, brain-machine
interfaces and neurally controlled robots.
The objective is to move beyond the well established neuroinformatics or
AI (Artificial Intelligence) domains by fostering research that would
benefit both the neuroscience (NS) and Information Technology (IT)
communities by helping solve the fundamental problems linked to the
emergence and the modelling of computational properties, learning and
cognitive processes in natural systems. The goal is for IT to profit
from NS results to improve IT artifacts and for NS to validate models or
hypotheses with a better use of IT. and the NEUROversIT
consortium is therefore committed to spearheading the emergence of
visionary long term research objectives that could fully exploit the
potential of collaboration between neurosciences and information
*Overall organisation*
The school will have a duration of 5 days in total (Tuesday to Saturday
The first day will feature /advanced tutorials/ with the goal of
equalizing the backgrounds of students from different disciplines. These
tutorials will focus on background materials directly relevant to the
topic of the summer school, that will improve understanding of the
expert presentations that will follow in day 2-4 of the school. Friday
afternoon and Saturday morning will be devoted to practical lecturers
and Lab activities. The first day will be devoted to presenting
important concepts and data from neuroscience for students from
technical disciplines, and for presenting topics in neuro-IT and
neuroengineering for student from life science.
The other three days of the school feature expert lectures on selected
topics under the theme "Dynamics, Computation and Learning in Neural
Systems". These lectures will cover state-of-the-art research related to
one or multiple of the topics mentioned below.
Students participating to the school are invited to present their own
activity in specific dedicated sessions.
Lab sessions will be organized on Friday 16^th (afternoon) and Saturday
17^th (morning) and they will be devoted to practical presentations and
activities on:
- NEURON simulator
- Data analysis for multisite recorded neuronal signals
(sponsored by eTT,
Students interested in such activities are requested to specifically
enroll to one or both Lab. The Lab activity are included in the
registration fees.
* Topics
* Speakers
* Program
* Information
* Fees
* Accomodations
* *
* *
The school will address key topics in the Neuroengineering field, with a
focus on "Dynamics, Computation and Learning in Neural Systems" and
their technical realization in artificial systems. All issues should be
dealt with, in an interdisciplinary way, both from the biological and
the IT/engineering perspective. Key topics will include:
. Neural-network dynamics
- Neurobiology of in-vivo and in-vitro neuronal systems
- non linear dynamics and neuronal signal analysis
- theoretical and experimental models
. Coding and decoding neuronal signals
- rate/time coding
- ......
. Neural plasticity - learning -- development
- neurobiology of learning and memory
- closed-loop system and learning
- learning and plasticity in in-vitro neuronal system
. Advanced neuro-prosthetics - brain-machine interfaces
- technological advances in BMI
- decodying of neuronal signals
. Neuro-robotics - biologically inspired robots
- bi-directional neuro-robotic interfaces
- cognitive ...
*Faculty members*
/(to be filled)/
PhD students
200 €
250 €
250 €
300 €
Business and medical professionals
350 €
400 €
(*) includes program, reception, two coffee breaks and lunch each day
lab activities and lecture notes
* *
Prof. Sergio Martinoia
University of Genova
e -mail: martinoia at <mailto:martinoia at>
Phone: +39-010-3532251
Fax: +39-010-3532133
Prof. Vittorio Sanguineti
University of Genova
e -mail: _vittorio.sanguineti at
<mailto:vittorio.sanguineti at>_
Phone: +39-010-3536487
Fax: +39-010-3532154
Ms. Jessica Gaggero
University of Genova
e -mail: jessica at <mailto:jessica at>
Phone: +39-010-3532787
Fax: +39-010-3532133
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