Connectionists: CLSquare - free software available

Martin Riedmiller Martin.Riedmiller at
Tue Sep 20 03:30:58 EDT 2005

A new release of CLSquare (closed loop simulation system) is ready for 
free download at
our website

CLSquare simulates a control loop  for closed loop control. Although 
originally designed
for training and testing Reinforcement Learning controllers, it also 
applies to other learning
and non-learning controller concepts.

Currently availabe plants:
Acrobot, bicycle, cart pole, cart double pole, pole, mountain car and maze.

Currently availabe controllers:
linear controller, Reinforcement learning Q table, neural network based 
Q controller.

It comes with many useful features, e.g. graphical display and 
statistics output,
a documentation, and many demos for quick starting.


Martin Riedmiller, Neuroinformatics Group, University of Osnabrueck

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