Connectionists: Neural Networks 18(8) 2005: Special Issue on "Neural Networks and Kernel Methods for Structured Domains"
Cynthia Bradford
cindy at
Mon Sep 12 10:54:10 EDT 2005
Contents - Volume 18, Number 8 - 2005
Special Issue on "Neural Networks and Kernel Methods for Structured Domains"
Barbara Hammer, Craig Saunders, and Alessandro Sperduti (editors)
Introduction to the Special Issue
Barbara Hammer, Craig Saunders, and Alessandro Sperduti
A novel approach to extracting features from motif content and protein
composition for protein sequence classification
Xing-Ming Zhao, Yiu-Ming, Cheung, and De-Shuang Huang
Learning protein secondary structure from sequential and relational data
Alessio Ceroni, Paolo Frasconi, and Gianluca Pollastri
Recursive neural networks for processing graphs with labeled edges: Theory
and applications
M. Bianchini, M. Maggini, L. Sarti, and F. Scarselli
Recursive principal components analysis
Thomas Voegtlin
The loading problem for recursive neural networks
Marco Gori and Alessandro Sperduti
On the relationship between deterministic and probabilistic directed
graphical models: From Bayesian networks to recursive neural networks
Pierre Baldi and Michal Rosen-Zvi
An incremental regression method for graph structured data
Menita Carozza and Salvatore Rampone
Graph kernels for chemical informatics
Liva Ralaivola, Sanjay J. Swamidass, Hiroto Saigo, and Pierre Baldi
The context-tree kernel for strings
Marco Cuturi and Jean-Philippe Vert
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