Connectionists: NIPS 2005 Workshop - Learning to Rank - Abstracts invited

Shivani Agarwal shivani at
Wed Oct 26 15:17:27 EDT 2005

          ** Abstract submission deadline: November 1, 2005 **

Workshop at NIPS 2005

In response to a huge demand, we are opening some slots for short 
presentations, which will consist of either short talks or poster 
presentations. These will be based on submissions of extended abstracts, 
2-4 pages in length in NIPS format, which will be due November 1, 2005. 
See the workshop webpage for detailed submission instructions.

Regular papers that are not accepted for a regular presentation will also 
automatically be considered for these short presentations.

Please direct any questions to shivani at

Shivani Agarwal, Corinna Cortes, Ralf Herbrich
Workshop Organizers

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