Connectionists: Opening for a scientific programmer

Prashant Joshi joshi at
Tue Oct 4 04:27:47 EDT 2005

Hello Everyone!

Position for a Scientific Programmer

We have at our Institute in Graz, Austria an opening for a scientific 
programmer, who will
develop efficient software for the parallel simulation of large neural 
circuits, and
for carrying out learning experiments with such circuits. This software 
will replace
and extend earlier software described on

This work will be carried out in collaboration with Dr. Thomas 
in the framework of the 4-year EU Research project FACETS
The goal of this fairly large research project is the development of 
detailed large scale
models of neural circuits and areas, whose properties will be explored 
simulations on a Blue Gene Supercomputer and on new special-purpose 
The salary for this position will be competitive.

We are looking for a programmer who has the abstraction capability to 
design interfaces
between different software components, and the skill and dedication 
needed for writing
software that runs efficiently. We also expect experience in software 
in C++ and Linux, as well as experience in writing parallel software 
and interprocess communication).

Interest or knowledge in computational neuroscience and/or machine learning
would be helpful (in the case of  scientific interest in these areas,  a 
simultaneous participation
in our Phd-Program is possible).

Send your application  by October 10 to
maass at

Thanks and regards,
Prashant Joshi

	"It wouldn't have been anything, even if it were gonna be a thing."

*       Prashant Joshi
*       Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (IGI)
*       Technische Universitaet Graz
*       Inffeldgasse 16b, A-8010 Graz, Austria
*       joshi at
*       Tel: + 43-316-873-5849

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