Connectionists: CfP: EPFL-LATSIS Symposium 2006 - Dynamical Principles for Neuroscience and Intelligent Biomimetic Devices
Jonas Buchli
jonas at
Fri Nov 25 10:38:29 EST 2005
Dear Connectionists,
Please find below the call for poster abstracts of a conference which
might be of interest for many of you.
Best regards
Jonas Buchli
<<Please post/forward as you see fit>>
EPFL-LATSIS Symposium 2006 Call for Poster abstracts
We invite the submission of poster abstracts for the
EPFL-LATSIS Symposium 2006
Dynamical Principles for Neuroscience and Intelligent Biomimetic Devices
March, 8-10, 2006
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Aim of the Conference
The goal of the conference is to bring together scientists and engineers
interested in understanding the dynamical properties of the nervous
system, and in taking inspiration from those properties for the design
of prosthetic and robotic devices. The conference is interdisciplinary
in nature, and aims at bringing together researchers working on similar
topics and phenomena but from different backgrounds.
The conference is made possible thanks to the generous support of the
Latsis Foundation. The presentations will consists of a series of
invited talks (see below) and of poster presentations (with short poster
For more background on the aim of the conference, please visit
Important Dates
Deadline of abstract submission: January 27, 2006
Notification of acceptance: February 6, 2006
Conference dates: March 8-10, 2006
Abstract submission
Please send a two-page abstract (including figures and references as
needed) to jonas.buchli -at- .
Note that we will not have a full peer review process, the number of
posters that we can accept is however limited. Thus, we will accept the
contributions depending on relevance to the conference topics, quality,
and available place. Once accepted, presenters will have the opportunity
to present their work with a poster, as well as a short poster spotlight
(a 2-minute presentation) in the conference theatre.
Templates as well as additional information on the format of abstracts
and posters is available on the following website:
The poster abstracts will be published in a booklet with ISBN number
distributed at the conference.
Dynamics of brain function and behavior
* Avis Cohen (University of Maryland)
* Sten Grillner (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm)
* Serge Rossignol (Université de Montréal)
* Carmen Sandi (EPFL)
* Allen Selverston (UC San Diego)
Nonlinear Dynamics and neural computation
* Bard Ermentrout (University of Pittsburgh)
* Wulfram Gerstner (EPFL)
* Martin Hasler (EPFL)
* Wolfgang Maass (TU Graz)
* Misha Rabinovich (UC San Diego)
* Misha Tsodyks (Weizmann Institute of Science)
* Maria Chiara Carrozza (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa)
* Miguel Nicolelis (EPFL/Duke University)
* Philippe Renaud (EPFL)
* Andrew Schwartz (University of Pittsburgh)
Hybrid circuits and electronic neurons
* Thierry Bal (Unic / CNRS)
* Rodney Douglas (ETHZ, Zurich)
* Peter Fromherz (Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry,
* Gwendal Le Masson (University of Bordeaux)
Biomimetic Robotics and Control
* Jean-Louis Deneubourg (Univ. libre de Bruxelles)
* Auke Jan Ijspeert (EPFL)
* Yasuo Kuniyoshi (University of Tokyo)
* Jean-Jacques Slotine (MIT)
* Barbara Webb (University of Edinburgh)
Organizing Committee
Main organizer:
Auke Ijspeert, EPFL
Aude Billard, EPFL
Dario Floreano, EPFL
Wulfram Gerstner, EPFL
Martin Hasler, EPFL
Henry Markram, EPFL
Misha Rabinovich, UCSD
Al Selverston, UCSD
Local chair:
Jonas Buchli, EPFL
Email contacts: Auke.Ijspeert -at- and Jonas.Buchli -at-
Jonas Buchli
Research Assistant
Biologically Inspired Robotics Group
School of Computer and Communication Sciences
EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
CH 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
jonas at
++41 21 693 67 14
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