Connectionists: Neural Networks 18(4) 2005: Special Issue on Emotion and Brain

Cynthia Bradford cindy at
Fri May 27 10:38:20 EDT 2005

Contents - Volume 18, Number 4 - 2005
Special Issue on "Emotion and Brain: Understanding Emotions and Modelling
their Recognition", J.G. Taylor, K. Scherer, and R. Cowie (editors)

Introduction to the Special Issue 
J.G. Taylor, K. Scherer, and R. Cowie

A systems approach to appraisal mechanisms in emotion
David Sander, Didier Grandjean, and Klaus R. Scherer 

The interaction of attention and emotion 
John G. Taylor and Nickolaos Fragopanagos 

Beyond emotion archetypes: Databases for emotion modelling using neural
Roddy Cowie, Ellen Douglas-Cowie, and Cate Cox

Emotion recognition in human-computer interaction
N. Fragopanagos and J.G. Taylor 

Challenges in real-life emotion annotation and machine learning based
Laurence Devillers, Laurence Vidrascu, and Lori Lamel 

Emotion recognition through facial expression analysis based on a neurofuzzy
Spiros V. Ioannou, Amaryllis T. Raouzaiou, Vasilis A. Tzouvaras, Theofilos
P. Mailis, Kostas C. Karpouzis, and Stefanos D. Kollias

ASR for emotional speech: Clarifying the issues and enhancing performance 
T. Athanaselis, S. Bakamidis, I. Dologlou, R. Cowie, E. Douglas-Cowie, and
C. Cox 

Emotion understanding from the perspective of autonomous robot research 
Lola Canamero 

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