Connectionists: Post-doc position at CNRS, Lille, France
Davy Manuel
Manuel.Davy at
Fri May 20 02:55:05 EDT 2005
Post-Doctoral Position
Speech processing using kernel methods
Context and Topic
Performance of state-of-the-art speech recognition systems has greatly
improved over the last years. However, these systems do not fully take
advantage of today's computer computation and memory
capabilities. Kernel learning methods, such as Support Vector
Machines, have recently undegone a huge development, and already give
excellent results in fields such as image processing, when compared to
other more cassical approaches. The aim of this post-doc is to apply
and develop kernel techniques so as to improve the performance of
speech recogintion systems.
The position is based in the Laboratoire d'Automatique, de Génie
Informatique et Signal (LAGIS) in Lille (North of France). The LAGIS
Laboratory is one of the major CNRS laboratories in Signal Processing
and Automatic Control in the North of France. The position is also
connected to the France Telecom Research Center situated in Lannion
(Brittany, France).
The position is for one year, and it may start as soon as possible
Scientific supervision:
This research work will be supervised by Dr Manuel Davy (CNRS
researcher, Lille) (web page) and Dr Lionel Delphin-Poulat (France
Telecom Researcher, Lannion) Informations and applications:
Additional informations can be obtained from Dr Manuel Davy (Manuel
dot davy at ec dash lille dott fr) and from Dr Lionel Delphin-Poulat
(lionel ddott delphinpoulat at francetelecom dott com) - change 'dot',
'dash' and 'at' to obvious corresponding symbols. Applications should
be emailed to Dr Manuel Davy (including CV and two reference letters)
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