Connectionists: Bernstein Fellow for Computational Neuroscience - Postdoctoral Research Positions

Tobias Niemann tobias at
Tue May 10 10:58:29 EDT 2005

BCCN GÖTTINGEN - Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience

Bernstein Fellow for Computational Neuroscience

Applications are invited for up to three Postdoctoral Research Positions 
in Computational Neuroscience at the recently established Bernstein 
Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) in Göttingen, Germany. 
Göttingen is a center of neuroscience in Europe hosting numerous 
internationally recognized neuroscience research institutions, including 
three Max Planck Institutes, the European Neuroscience Institute, the 
German Primate Research Center, and Göttingen University's Centers for 
Systems Neuroscience (ZNV) and for the Molecular Physiology of the Brain 
(CMPB). The BCCN integrates theoretical and experimental research groups 
from these institutions to foster interdisciplinary research in 
computational neuroscience specifically supporting close collaboration 
between theorists and experimental researchers.

We are looking for strong research personalities, who are experienced in 
the field of Computational Neuroscience and/or related disciplines such 
as theoretical physics, mathematics, or computer science and with 
commitment to a research career in neuroscience. Prior biological or 
neuroscience training is welcome but not required. The Bernstein Fellow 
will have the opportunity to collaborate with other members of the BCCN 
or establish an own research program which complements the activities of 
the BCCN.

Initially the positions are limited to two years and may be extended to 
up to five years. Applications are welcome from now on until the 
positions are filled. Please submit your application preferably in one 
single PDF-document, including cover letter, CV, list of publications, 
research proposal/interests, names of three possible referees, relevant 
certificates, and copies of three of your most important publications 
to: jobs at (Subject: Bernstein Fellow)

For more information please refer to  

While e-mail is preferred, applications may also be submitted in 
hardcopy to the following address:

Prof. Dr. Theo Geisel
Subject:  Bernstein Fellow
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) Göttingen
Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Bunsenstrasse 10
D - 37073 Göttingen, Germany

The BCCN is an equal opportunity employer.

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