Connectionists: ICANN 2005 "Building A Brain" and other workshops

Wlodzislaw Duch wduch at
Mon Jun 27 14:58:42 EDT 2005

ICANN 2005 Workshops - calls for papers

Full-day workshop will be held at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun on
Thursday, Sept. 15th, after the main ICANN'2005 conference.
Calls for papers for the Bioinformatics Workshop, Neuroinformatics Workshop and
the Biomimetic Workshop are at:

An additional "Building A Brain" Workshop, organized by John G. Taylor (KCL
London) and Wlodek Duch (NCU Torun/NTU Singapore), has just been announced. In
recent years several projects aiming at a very large scale simulation of brain
functions, neocortex, or even the whole brain, have been formulated. They range
from detailed models of single cortical columns, through simulation of the whole
cortex, to models of the brain based on some specific ideas, such as the
Artificial Brain Architecture and Cognitive Control Understanding System
(ABACCUS) proposed recently. This workshop aims at discusions of the weak and
strong points of these various proposals.  

Transportation by buses from Warsaw to Torun on Wednesday evening will be
arranged. For this extra day we plan to have separate volumes of the Springer
Studies in Computational Intelligence focused on a single topic; special issues
of journals may also be arranged by workshop organizers. The 25 Euro
registartion fee includes transportation, lunch and workshop publication costs.

We are looking forward to see you in Torun, a beautiful medieval town in central
Poland that is on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage list, see:

Wlodzislaw Duch, general co-chair of the ICANN'2005.
Google: Duch

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