Connectionists: Call for Abstracts: CCN/NIMH Dynamical Neuroscience Conference

Randall C. O'Reilly oreilly at
Thu Jun 2 17:21:31 EDT 2005


    Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
      Thu-Fri November 10 & 11, 2005


Deadline for submissions: August 1, 2005

Meeting Registration and Abstract Submission are processed on-line at:

There are two categories of submissions:

* Poster only

* Short talk (15 min), with accompanying poster

Abstracts should be limited to 250 words.  Women and underrepresented
minorities are especially encouraged to apply.  Reviewing for posters will
be light and only to ensure appropriateness to the meeting.  Talks will be
selected on the basis of research quality, relevance to conference theme,
and expected accessibility in a talk format.

Notification of acceptance will be made by September 1, 2005.

Conference information:

This is the inaugural meeting of what will be a rotating satellite
with other meetings, such as (tentative list): CNS (Cognitive
Neuroscience Society), HBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping),
CogSci (Cognitive Science Society), Psychonomic Society, NIPS (Neural
Information Processing Systems Foundation), and COSYNE (Computational
and Systems Neuroscience)).

Featured Keynote Speakers:
    James L. McClelland, Carnegie Mellon University
                Title: Principles of Cognitive and Neural Processing
    Daniel M. Wolpert, University College London/University of Cambridge
                Title: Probabilistic Models of Sensorimotor Control

Discussion-Focused Symposia:

Decision Making
    Chair:      Michael Shadlen, University of Washington
    Speakers:   Carlos Brody, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
                Yael Niv, Hebrew University (invited)
                Leo Sugrue, Stanford University (invited)

Developmental Disorders
    Chair:      Michael Thomas, University of London
    Speakers:   Marc Joanisse, University of Western Ontario
                Fred Dick, University of London
                April Benasich, Rutgers University

Category Learning
    Chair:      Brad Love, University of Texas
    Speakers:   Greg Ashby, UC Santa Barbara
                Paul Reber, Northwestern University

Episodic Memory: Interactions of the prefrontal cortex and hippocampal
formation involved in episodic and working memory
    Chair:      Michael Hasselmo, Boston University
    Speakers:   Kenneth Norman, Princeton University
                Charan Ranganath, UC, Davis
                Chantal Stern, Boston University


The field of cognitive neuroscience has flourished due to advances
using multiple methodologies such as anatomy, physiology, imaging, and
behavior. Given the progress that has been made in each of these
areas, the time is ripe for strong theoretical frameworks that can
relate different levels of analysis, moving beyond basic
brain/behavior correlations. The emerging field of Computational
Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN) is ideally suited to help fill this need
through the use of mathematical analysis and explicit computational
models that bridge the gap between biological mechanisms and cognitive
function. This meeting focuses on research at the intersection of
neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and computational modeling, where
neuroscience-based computational models are used to simulate and
understand cognitive functions such as perception, attention, learning
and memory, language, and higher-level cognitive functions. CCN
research benefits greatly from collaboration with various non-modeling
researchers for developing and interpreting relevant empirical data. A
major goal for this conference is to create fruitful opportunities for
modelers and non-modelers to interact.



Todd Braver, Washington University, St Louis
Carlos Brody, Cold Spring Harbor
Jonathan Cohen, Princeton University
Dennis Glanzman, NIMH
Yuko Munakata, University of Colorado, Boulder
David Noelle, Vanderbilt University
Randall O'Reilly, University of Colorado, Boulder (Chair)

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