Connectionists: workshops IJCNN

Oury MONCHI oury at
Wed Jul 20 13:37:25 EDT 2005

Dear all,

The organisers of IJCNN 2005, Montreal would like to bring your attention
to the workshops being organised at the end of the conference (4th and 5th of
august). These workshops are a great opportunity to increase your
knowledge on specific topics linked to neural networks, information
processing and computational neuroscience and are given by leaders in the
field. The costs are 35$ dollars for a single workshop and 70$ to attend
all of them.

For more information please go to:

Oury Monchi, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor,
Department of Radiology, Universite de Montreal &
Assistant Scientific Director,
Unite de Neuroimagerie Fonctionnelle,
Centre de Recherche, Institut Universitaire de Geriatrie de Montreal.
4565, chemin Queen Mary, Montreal (Quebec), H3W 1W5, CANADA
e-mails: oury at & oury.monchi at
tel: (514) 340-3540 ext 4013; fax: (514) 340-3548

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