Connectionists: CFP: AI and Math 2006 aimath06 at
Fri Jul 15 16:49:03 EDT 2005


Ninth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics

January 4-6, 2006
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Paper Submission Deadline: October 2, 2005

The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics
is a biennial meeting that fosters interactions between  mathematics,
theoretical computer science, and artificial intelligence.  This is the
ninth symposium in a series, which is sponsored by Annals of Mathematics
and Artificial Intelligence.  We seek submissions of recent results with
a particular emphasis on the  foundations of AI and mathematical methods
used in AI.  Papers describing applications are also encouraged, but the
focus should be  on principled lessons learned from the development of
the application.  Traditionally, the Symposium attracts participants
from a variety of disciplines, thereby providing a unique forum for
scientific exchange. The three-day symposium includes invited speakers,
presentations of technical papers, and special topic sessions.


   o  Thomas Dean, Brown University, USA
   o  Carla Gomes, Cornell University, USA
   o  Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel




Paper submission will be electronic via the submission link on the
symposium web site.  Papers, no more than (8) pages long, must be
submitted in PDF or PS format.  Fonts must be at least 10 point, and
either a single or double column format may be used.  The submission
deadline is October 2, 2005 (11:59PM EST). Papers will be reviewed by
members of the Program Committee.  Authors will be notified of
acceptance or rejection by October 31, 2005.  Final versions of accepted
papers, for inclusion in the conference electronic proceedings, are due
by November 21, 2005.  Note that papers may be submitted to the
Symposium even if submitted to other conferences or journals, because
the Symposium web site is not archival.

Full versions of a selected set of papers from the Symposium will be
included in a special volume of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial
Intelligence, published by Springer.  Authors of these selected papers
will be invited to submit their full version subject to refereeing at
the usual high standards of the journal and will receive more details
with the acceptance notice.

Any questions regarding paper submission should be sent to the program
chair, Shlomo Zilberstein <shlomo at>.


Paper submission: Sunday, October 2, 2005
Notification: Monday, October 31, 2005
Final version due: Monday, November 21, 2005

SPONSORS: The Symposium is partially supported by the Annals of Math and
AI and Florida Atlantic University.


   o  General Chair: Martin Charles Golumbic, University of Haifa, Israel
   o  Conference Chair: Frederick Hoffman, Florida Atlantic University, USA
   o  Program Chair: Shlomo Zilberstein, University of  Massachusetts
Amherst, USA
   o  Publicity Chair: Daniel Bernstein, University of  Massachusetts
Amherst, USA

PROGRAM COMMITTEE:  Peter Bartlett (University of California Berkeley,
USA),  Peter van Beek (University of Waterloo, Canada),   Ronen Brafman
(Ben-Gurion University, Israel),  François Charpillet (INRIA, France),
Berthe Choueiry (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA),  Adnan Darwiche
(University of California Los Angeles, USA),  Thomas Eiter (Vienna
University of Technology, Austria),  Boi  Faltings (EPFL, Switzerland),
Daniela Pucci de Farias (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA),
John Franco (University of  Cincinnati, USA),  Hector Geffner (UPF,
Spain),  Enrico Giunchiglia  (University of Genova, Italy),  Claudia
Goldman (University of Haifa, Israel),  Amy Greenwald (Brown University,
USA),  Joseph Halpern (Cornell University, USA),  Peter Hammer (Rutgers
University, USA),  Eric Hansen (Mississippi State University, USA),
Lisa Hellerstein (Polytechnic University, USA),  Andreas Herzig
(Université Paul Sabatier, France),  Peter Jonsson (University of
Linkoping, Sweden),  Michael Kaminski (Technion, Israel),  Henry Kautz
(University of  Washington, USA),  Hélène Kirchner (LORIA CNRS and
INRIA, France),  Sven Koenig (University of Southern California, USA),
Richard Korf (University of California Los Angeles, USA),  Hector
Levesque (University of Toronto, Canada),  Michael Littman (Rutgers
University, USA),  Alan Mackworth (University of British Columbia,
Canada),  David Parkes (Harvard University, USA),  Ronald Parr (Duke
University, USA),  David Poole (University of British Columbia,
Canada),  Dan Roth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA),
Bart Selman (Cornell University, USA),  Milind Tambe (University of
Southern California, USA),  Moshe Tennenholtz (Technion, Israel),  Toby
Walsh (University of New South Wales,  Australia),  Michael Wooldridge
(University of Liverpool, England)

ADVISORY COMMITTEE:  The Editor-in-Chief (Martin Charles Golumbic) and
the members of the Editorial Board of Annals of Mathematics and
Artificial Intelligence serve as the permanent Advisory Committee of the

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