Advert: Postdoctoral positions at Leeds and Sussex Universities
Ezequiel Di Paolo
ezequiel at
Mon Jan 10 06:45:25 EST 2005
Post-Doctoral Positions, Universities of Leeds & Sussex
Complex Adaptive Networks
Computational Neuroscience, Bio-Inspired Robotics & Adaptive Behaviour
"Spatially Embedded Complex Systems Engineering"
Four postdoctoral fellowships are available immediately for research
in computational and mathematical modelling, particularly of spatial
factors in neural and neuro-chemical systems, and the IT systems
underpinning air-traffic control. Two postdocs (PD1 & PD2) will be
located in the Biosystems group within the School of Computing at the
University of Leeds (, and two
(PD3 & PD4) will be located in the Centre for Computational
Neuroscience and Robotics (
and the Complex Products Systems Group ( at the
University of Sussex. However, all four will work closely as part of
an extended multi-site research team involving 10 investigators, 6
postdocs and 2 PhD students.
PD1 (Ref 310233 - Leeds): Suitable for a talented, experienced
researcher with a background in one or more of the following areas:
adaptive behaviour, evolutionary computing, dynamical systems
theory, simulation modelling. Excellent computational,
mathematical and modelling skills are required. Ability to engage
in profitable collaboration across different disciplines is
essential. PD1 will work most closely with Seth Bullock and
Ezequiel Di Paolo.
PD2 (Ref 310234 - Leeds) & PD3 (Sussex): Suitable for talented
researchers with experience in one or more of the following areas:
computational neuroscience, dynamical systems modelling,
evolutionary computing, time series analysis and spatial analysis
Excellent computational, mathematical and modelling skills are
required, some experience of neural modelling is desirable.
(PD2) will work most closely with Netta Cohen and Seth Bullock;
(PD3) with Ezequiel Di Paolo, Jianfeng Feng, Phil Husbands,
and Mick O'Shea.
PD4: Suitable for a talented researcher with experience in one or
more of the following areas: adaptive systems engineering, machine
learning, evolutionary computing, air-traffic control systems.
Excellent computational, mathematical and modelling skills are
required as well as the capability to engage in profitable
collaboration with social scientists and open dialogue with
industrial partners, familiarity with air-traffic control would be
advantageous but not necessary. PD4 will work most closely with
Ezequiel Di Paolo, Phil Husbands, and Paul Nightingale.
These posts are part of an exciting multidisciplinary project spanning
Leeds, Sussex and UCL, in which computer scientists, geographers,
neuroscientists, policy researchers and engineers will study adaptive
behaviour across a range of significant spatially-extended systems
(neuroscience, geoscience, air-traffic control). The research teams
will be led by Dr. Seth Bullock at the University of Leeds,
Dr. Ezequiel Di Paolo at Sussex University and Prof. Mike Batty at
University College London, but will work together closely for the
duration of the project. See further particulars for more details.
All highly motivated candidates with a PhD in computer science,
biology, cognitive science, psychology, physics or other relevant
disciplines are encouraged to apply. Informal enquiries (with CV
attached) are welcome at the email addresses below:
PD1: Seth Bullock, seth at
PD2: Netta Cohen, netta at
PD3 & PD4: Ezequiel Di Paolo, ezequiel at
Further particulars and job descriptions can be accessed from here:
To download application forms for the Leeds posts (PD1 and PD2) visit and click on "jobs". Email (or post) completed
application forms and a full CV to Judi Drew (judi at,
School of Computing, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT.
To apply for the Sussex posts (PD3 and PD4) email a full CV and
covering note to Ezequiel Di Paolo.
The project is funded by EPSRC. Starting salaries approx. £ 22,000
depending on experience.
Posts are available for three-and-a-half years.
Starting date: 1 April 05, or soon after.
There is no deadline but each position will be filled as soon as a
suitable candidate is found. Applications received by 10 Feb, 2005
are guaranteed full consideration. Applications from UK, EU and
non-EU residents are welcome.
The University of Leeds and the university of Sussex are equal
opportunity employers.
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