CNS cns at
Sat Jan 1 14:29:45 EST 2005

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 1, 2005 midnight 

SUBMISSIONS WILL OPEN January 15th, 2005. 

NOTE: New submission procedure this year

Fourteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2005 
July 17 - July 21, 2005 
Madison, Wisconsin, USA 

CNS*2005 will be held in Madison Wisconsin from Saturday, July 17 to
Wednesday, July 21, 2005. The main meeting will be July 17-19 followed
by two days of workshops on July 20 and 21.

Submissions can include experimental, model-based, as well as more
abstract theoretical approaches to understanding neurobiological
computation.  We especially encourage research that mixes experimental
and theoretical studies.  We also accept papers that describe new
technical approaches to theoretical and experimental issues in
computational neuroscience or relevant software packages.

Michael Hasselmo (Boston University) 
Lucia Jacobs (UC Berkeley) 
Gyorgy Buszaki (Rutgers University) 

Submissions to the meeting will take the form of a 3-page summary
describing the nature and scope of the work, and outlining the main
results.  Details regarding formatting of submissions will be posted
at These summaries will be reviewed by the program
committee and used determine acceptance for presentation at the
meeting as well as to construct the oral program.  Authors will also
be asked to submit a standard abstract for printing in the program
book.  All submissions will be acknowledged by email.


Summaries will be judged and accepted for the meeting based on the
clarity with which the work is described and the biological relevance
of the research.
 For this reason authors should be careful to make the connection to biology
clear.  CNS strongly believes in the open exchange of ideas and we reject only
a small fraction of submissions  (~5%). Rejections are usually based on
absence of biological relevance (e.g. pure machine learning). We will notify
authors of meeting acceptance by April 1. 

All acceptable summaries will be reviewed by two independent referees,
and the oral program of the meeting will constructed based on these
reviews.  Most oral presentations will be 20 minutes in length, but
several papers will be selected for longer "featured oral"
presentations.  In addition to perceived quality as an oral
presentation, the novelty of the research and the diversity and
coherence of the overall program will be considered.  To ensure
diversity, those who have given talks in the recent past will not be
selected and multiple oral presentations from the same lab will be
discouraged. All accepted papers not selected for oral talks may be
presented during evening poster sessions.  Authors will be notified of
the presentation format of their papers by the end of April.


In the past, the proceedings of the meeting were published as a
special supplement to the journal Neurocomputing.  The same review
process was used to determine the program acceptance in the journal.
This year, the proceedings of the meeting will take the form of
electronic publication of all 3-page summaries of work presented at
the meeting.  A separate review process will be used for those
electing for post-meeting journal publication.

Authors wishing to submit their work for peer-reviewed publication in
Neurocomputing will be required to submit complete 6-page papers by
May 2nd. Manuscripts will be reviewed according to the usual standards
for journal publication.  Authors will notification of submission
status (accept, reject, revise) and receive reviewer comments by the
end of June, several weeks before the meeting.  Authors will then have
until September 15 to submit revised manuscripts.  Final notification
of acceptance based on these revisions will be sent by October
15. Detailed instructions to authors will be posted at

CNS - Organization for Computational Neurosciences

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